chapter 42

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Jason's P.O.V

All could feel in my body was pain. Nothing but pain. Pain, pain and more pain. Everywhere.

I couldn't see anything. Just darkness, behind my closed eyes. I slowly willed myself to open my eyes. It took every ounce of energy in me to open my eyes, and when I did, it all came back.

The helicopter crash.
I survived the crash.

I was lying on the scorching hot floor of the helicopter. There were chattered glass around me, with destroyed bits and pieces of the helicopter controls. I body was pressed against the foot of the controls. And there was smoke. Lots of smoke. There were flames. I struggled to sit up, and then I squinted my eyes, to see out of the glass window in front of the controls.

A crash like that...should have left me dead. Why was I still here?

Then it hit me. Far across from where the helicopter was, there was hay. Tons and tons of hay, just piled.

The helicopter must have gone down in the hay and then bounced up and skidded to a halt in this empty grass space. And on impact we had blacked out. We.

Anna. Anna. ANNA.

I sprung my head around wildly, desperately searching the helicopter to find her. She can't be dead. She cant be dead. I repeated over and over in my head, willing myself. Telling myself that she was alive. Lying to myself.

She cant be dead.

I tried to crawl towards the rear of the aircraft to find her, but a jolt of extreme pain shot through my left side. I let myself collapse on the floor, withering in pain.

I gently pressed against my left collarbone, and winced again, moaning in pain. It was broken all right. Everything around me swirled, and I bought my hand up to my head in attempt to stop it. I must not black out now. I have to find Anna.

Bringing my fingers down, I could see that they were covered in blood. I must have a head injury. I groaned. "Anna." I tried to call out, but my voice was a hoarse whisper.

The smoke was enough to distract me from my severe pain. There was dense, black smoke filling in from the rear of the helicopter. It must be the friction or the leftover petrol that had started the fire. It didn't take rocket science to figure out that soon, this whole helicopter would be engulfed in flames. It I didn't die from the helicopter crash, then I will die from 3rd degree burns.

I needed to get out of this aircraft.
We needed to get out.
I need Anna.

"J-Jason..." There was a weak voice calling out from the back side. Anna.

She was alive. Relief flooded though me, but it was short lived. If I we didn't get out of here soon, then we will both burn down in flames. By collar bone was broken and I have a bad head injury. So, getting out might not be that easy.

In the urgency of the situation, I scrambled to the direction from where Anna's voice was coming from. She kept calling out, her voice was just above a whisper, broken. But I could talk to her. My voice wouldn't allow it; it hurt like hell to talk.

I was sure Anna was lying in the back of the aircraft, and that just made the situation worse. I had to avoid the bits of glass that lay here and there and then, I then the further back I dragged myself, the darker and denser the smoke became.

We didn't have enough time.

I finally found her.

She was laying at on her back, her raven black hair sprawled out around her. I hurried in joy to her side, and when my eyes met hers, I hugged her. Tight. Like it was the last time.

We weren't dead. I don't think there has ever been a moment in my life where I have been so happy. So grateful. So relieved.

"We need to get out." Anna's voice was urgent in my ears. I unwrapped my arms around her, and bit down on my tongue hard to stop screaming out from the pain all these actions were causing me.

A pained whimper escaped Anna's mouth and I scanned her body, looking for any severe injuries. She was still lying on her back and her face was contorted with pain. Her eyes were pressed shut and her palms were balled into fists. Apart from some scratches on her arms, she seemed fine, and furrowed my eyebrows, trying to figure out what was wrong.

She opened he eyes, and looked at me, a tear rolled down her cheek mixed with dirt, causing my heart to ache. "My leg." She whispered, pointing down.

Anna's leg was lying in an unnatural position, and juts my looking at it once, I could tell it was broken. "It hurts." She whimpered, her eyes glassy.

I reached down and wiped away her tear, and stroked her cheek delicately. I bought my mouth closer to her ear, so my hoarse voice could reach her. "I know it hurts sweetheart. But we are alive and we have to get out now. You will be okay Anna. I promise you that. Do you think you can manage to crawl?" I asked. Anna shook her head, "I dont think I will be able to."

I sighed, and looked around. Eric's body lay at the far end, and I tore my eyes away from it in disgust. Now was not the time, I needed to concentrate on getting us out of this helicopter.

Anna started coughing in the smoke, and I knew we didn't have much time left. She couldn't walk, so I didn't the only thing I could think of.

I scooped her up in my arms, and forced myself to stand up. My legs couldn't support my body weight, let alone another person's but getting out of here was a priority in my head, and I was determined to get Anna out. Even if that meant, I had to die while doing so.

My shoulders hurt like hell, it seemed like some monster was tearing away my collarbone and in my pain, I grip on Anna. She fell and rolled on to some glass and her ear splitting scream made me flinch, as the broken glass dug into her skin.

This was hopeless.
I couldn't carry her.

Our fate was sealed indeed.

I could clearly see the flames outside the paned window. They were bright red, and with each passing second, they came nearer and nearer.

I feel on my knees beside Anna, feeling helpless. "You go Jason. Get away yourself." Anna said, her voice filled with urgency.

I shook my head firmly, "No. I cant leave you. A life without you is pointless." Anna looked distressed, "Dont be foolish Jason. I love you. I always will. But now, there is no time for all this. You must get away. Go!" Anna's weak hands tried to push me away.

"No. I will not leave you Anna. There is not point in living without you," I stated firmly again, holding on tight to her warm clammy hand, "If you must die, then I shall die with you."

Anna shook her head again, desperately trying to free her hand from mine, "Now is no time for all these Jason. You have the chance to live. Go...please...for me..." Anna trailed of coughing from the smoke.

"I have laid down my life for you Anna. I will die with you." I promised, closing my eyes. There was no need to fight the pain.

It was all going to be over.

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