Chapter 27

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Anna's P.O.V

I ran. I didn't know where I was running. All I knew was the I had to get away from him. And before he changed his mind, and decided to come after me.

It looked like I was running through some kind of a forest. I could see thick green trees everywhere I looked. I squealed as I stumbled at fell over a rock, grazing myself on my knee, which added on to the pain in my body.

I had no idea what I was supposed to do or where I was going. All I was thinking now, was that I had to get out. But thats not practical.

I stopped running and leaned against a thick tree, trying to catch my breath. I was a pretty fast runner, but because Jason had caused some physical damage to my body, I was in pain and that was slowing me down.

When I got out of this forest, I had to get to the police station, I thought. I couldn't just get myself home like that, I had no idea where home was from here. But, I found myself mentally scoffing even in this pain at the idea of a few hundred police before Jason. It would be a matter of minutes before Jason had killed the lot.

He had been around, for a long time, deftly running away in the blink of an eye every time he was spotted by the police; leaving the police baffled and outraged. He had spread his gang all across the world, and even the smartest of the smart detectives failed to catch him. I knew he was dangerous. And I wouldn't lie to you, I was scared of Jason, yet some part of me was impressed and fascinated by his skills.

But what if he ended up killing me in his temper one day? What if he pulled the trigger on me without meaning to?

Well, that is why I was running, away from him and his twisted world, and back into my own, so I could never have to see him again.

I started running again, I licked my lips, realizing how thirsty I had become. The afternoon sun escaped through the thick tree leaves and tickled the back of my neck, and my long hair flowing all around my face made me hot. I just wanted to sit down and have a drink, but I knew I couldn't stop running.

After running for a few more minutes, not seeming to get through the tress, my slipper snapped. I grunted, this was just great, I tried to be sarcastic with myself, but at the same time a tear slipped out of my eyes.

My knee ached from the graze, my throat and lips were dry for some water, and my stomach ached from Jason's harsh kicks. I crumpled down under a large tree, talking in deep breaths. I looked around me in defeat, seeing nothing but the forest. The large dark trees towered over me and sun shone down only at some areas, leaving the rest in dark.

I was somehow fascinated by the beauty of the forest, it almost looked magical, not scary at the least.

My hair was matted, and it stuck to the back of my neck and scalp, and wiped away a few stray tears on my face with the back of my hand and sniffled. A fresh tear with mixed with dirt rolled down my cheek and to my lips and it tasted salty

No matter how much my legs hurt, I knew I had to keep going. I willed myself to slowly get up, and I was unable to run barefoot, so I carefully picked my way through the forest stepping only where there were no pebbles.

I gulped and my eyes grew wide when I felt someone pick up a strand of my hair from behind. I stood paralyzed, a scream dying to leave my mouth, but I knew I mustn't be a baby.

I knew Jason would come. I knew he would find me. I knew this was all a trick.

I slowly turned around. No Jason. I furrowed my eyebrows together in confusion and then shakily laughed at myself when I found out that my hair had been caught in a low branch of a small plant.

I sighed in relief, untangling my hair and proceeding forward.

"You must always be brave.", my dead father's voice rang in my ears, as I walked. I missed my father so much. Not to mention, my mother and Emily, but they were alive. My father was dead. I wondered who had killed him for the millionth time in my life, but my question was left unanswered just as always. I pushed away the sad memories from my mind; they wouldn't be of any help now.

I was walking my eyes fixed on my feet, when I bumped into a hard boy. An ear piercing scream left my mouth, and I struggled hard to stop.

Strong hands grasped me, "Anna stop! Relax! It just me! Eric."

I stopped screaming when I heard that. It was Eric, not Jason; Eric. I sighed in relief again. "P-p-please Eric...y-you have to help me, I am running away from Jason. He let me go. I -I,"

"Hey hey hey its okay, slow down. I got you. Calm down Anna. Its okay." Eric said, quickly hugging me. "Here, drink this, and just calm down."

I gladly took the bottle of water Eric was offering me, bought it up to my lips, gulping half the bottle down gladly. When I finally felt composed again, I looked up and smiled shyly at Eric, embarrassed by my hassled appearance.

"I often come out here when I need a quite walk, this place its beautiful. And then I bumped into you here. Anna what are you doing here? And what happened to your hand...and you look terrible. Are you okay?'' Eric asked concerned.

Okay. Thats one thing I clearly wasn't.

''And what did you say, Jason let you go? Seriously?'' Eric continued in disbelief. I nodded my head vigorously, trying to make him understand, "He said...he said I could run away and go home...he said..." I tried in vain to explain.

"He said it only because he knew you weren't going to get anywhere. He knew no one would find you here." Eric sighed.

I scowled, "What do you mean?" I ask Eric, confused. Eric shook his head sadly, "You dont know do you...?" He asked sadly. I shook my head getting more confused by the second, "Know what?"

"Let me show you." Eric asked, talking me by my hand and guiding me through the tress. We both kept quiet, and I waited for the horrible truth he was about to reveal to me.

After about walking for two minutes, I stepped on sand. It took me by suprise, and I gasped, feeling the warm comforting sand under my foot. A cool breeze blew, making my hair fly and soothing my hot sweating skin. It smelled tropical and salty.

We kept walking, and soon I was standing with Eric, looking out at a large open sea. The waves sofly splashed around my foot and I could see nothing but the ocean as far as I could look.

Then it feel on me like a bucked of icy water.

Jason had bought me to an island. A deserted island. Away from civilization. Away from my everything. I could run no where. No matter where I went, I would always be in the same land as Jason. This is why he let me run. He knew I couldn't go anywhere, he knew it all along. He knew I could go no where, nothing but the ocean surrounded us.

"Anna, this is Jason's Island." Eric said, conforming it.

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