chapter 43

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Jason's P.O.V.

I wasn't going to give up. Just wait to die with my lover beside me? Wait for death? That was not the Jason McCann the world knew. That wasn't me.

I can't give up. I have to save Anna. Her life depended on me. I wont just sit here and wait to die. I might out be able to get myself out in time, but the least I could do was save Anna.

Maybe it was wrong that I had fallen in love with Anna. Dont get me wrong, I loved her, but she didn't deserve to be put through this. And she was here now, facing death, because of my actions. I will save Anna. I wont let Eric win this.

Gathering the burning desire to save Anna inside me, I re-opened my eyes. In an instant, they came across the angry blaze of the fire, that was nearer this time.

There was no time to waste.

I turned to Anna, quickly but carefully picking her up in my arms. I gritted my teeth, trying to block out the pain. I held on tight to her, not wanting to let her fall again. Anna looked up at me, she looked scared and helpless, making my heart ache. That only made me only determined to get out of here.

I struggled towards the door of the helicopter. Exit was not possible any other way. I was on the verge of tripping a couple of times – the smoke was much denser, and that made it hard for me to see and my pounding head and the splitting pain in my shoulder made it impossible to make out the shape of the outline of the door. But I knew I couldn't stop.

I held my breath; if I inhaled too much smoke, I would probably not be able to make it. I was burning up, sweating from the heat. The blazing heat a constant remainder that the fire was slowly eating away the air craft.

I heaved a sigh of triumph, when I finally spotted the door. I looked down at Anna, and she looked up at me, and our eyes met and for the briefest moment, we shared joy.

I knew I had to somehow force the door open. The heat in here must have messed up the locks on the door, and opening the door wasn't going to be easy.

I felt Anna go limp in my arms, and I looked down, worried. She had passed out.

Not knowing what to do, I gently set her on the floor and rushed to the door, trying to wedge it open. There was no vail, the door seemed to be tightly super glued together. Putting all my effort into trying to open the door also left me gasping for air, forcing me to inhale the smoke.

My head spinned without warning and I coughed while my vision went blurry. I found a large piece of broken glass on the floor, and without a second thought, I picked it up and to somehow force the door open. The sharp glass sunk in my palm with the pressure that I held it with, but I ignored the blood spilling out and the sharp pain, and focused on opening the door.

There was a satisfying click and I let go of the glass. I had managed to remove the lock. I sighed, bending down to pick up Anna. I could taste blood on my mouth from biting my tounge because of the pain. It tasted metallic and there were black spots starting to form on my vision. I must have lost a lot of blood.

I shook my head vigorously, steadying myself, before kicking the door open with all my force.

I don't know what I had expected to see, but whatever it was, it wasn't this. Outside, instead of the fresh air I was hoping, I was met with a gust of back smoke.

I spluttered, glancing down at Anna's lip body. She lay still, he eyes shut. I was doing this for her.

The helicopter blade, that fallen and it hung from the ceiling, fire throughout its length, burning. It was taking up so much space, and it completely blocked the doorway. However, from the side, I could see green grass.

I had to take the chance. For Anna. So she could live.

It was going to be a hard drop, and the fire was sure to burn me, but if I was quick enough, I could get Anna out. I would be the only person getting injured, and now, it suited me just fine.

I sighed, looking down at Anna's sleeping face. I love you. I whispered, maybe this was goodbye then. All I could do was hope for the worse and I hugged Anna close to my body, so the fire couldn't really get her, and then, I jumped.

I was in hell. Burning in hell. I was sure my right side must have dropped off from the burn. Thats how bad it hurt. It felt like the fire had made its way to my heart and was slowly roasting it. Sucking my life out.

I screamed in utter horror and pain, one name flashing through my mind, Anna. I had to save her.

Then I was out of the fire, and I was falling.

I fell had on my already broken collarbone in the grass. Anna rolled out of my arms to a space near by.

I slowly opened my eyes. The burning helicopter lay about 10 feet away from me. I wanted to drag Anna to a safer distance, but I had done my job. I had saved her.

I knew I was dying. My body was slowly shutting down from all the pain, and I knew that the fire had done the most amount of damage.

I rolled my head to the side so I could look at Anna. Thankfully she looked uninjured, apart from the injuries he already had. Her eyes were still closed as she lay a few inches away from me, but I knew that she was going to make it. Someone would find her. They would help her.

I took one last look at her angelic face, and then satisfied I closed my eyes. I had done my duty. I had saved her.

I smiled as the memories flooded into my mind. Now, I could wait for death.

Anna's P.O.V

I blinked my eyes, adjusting to the bright light. I could feel something soft underneath me and when my eyes finally focoused, I would see it was grass. Soft green grass.

My last memories were in the helicopter. With Jason.

I looked around, pain filling me. I wanted to sit up, but my leg hurt; it was broken. Helplessly I looked and then I saw him.

He was lying a few centimetres away from me. His face had was streaked black, but I could tell he was deathly pale underneath. His face was slightly turned towards me. His body was limp.

I watched carefully, with batted breath, waiting for the normal rise and fall of his breath to know if he was breathing. But his body was limp. There were no movements.

I turned my face away. My heart was being ripped inside me. I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry. I wanted to just be dead. Like him. I wanted to be angry. Angry at him for saving me. If he hadn't, then I would be with him now. But I didn't feel angry, just pain.

This ache in my heart, pain. I wanted to cry, but I just lay there blankly staring at the burning helicopter in the distance.

I lost everything.
This was pointless.
Why was I here?
I belonged with him. I should be where he was now. Not here.

I turned my face, looking at him again. This couldn't be happening. I screamed at him with my mind, telling him to get up and kiss me, we were both alive. Not just me. But that didn't happen.

I don't how long I lay there facing Jason's motionless body. The daylight slowly went and stars came out. The helicopter fire died down too. But I wasn't really sure because I wasn't looking at it.

I lay there in the silence, hoping to hear him breathe, but all I could hear was the gently rustle of the leaves on the trees in the wind.

But then my ears picked up another sound. It was far off in a distance and I couldn't make out what it was. I wasn't interested. I didn't care.

But it was approaching me, slowly starting to get louder and louder. The familiar sound finally made sense, and my heart dropped to my stomach, the pain intensifying.

It was the unmistakable sound of Police sirens.

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