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"Yes master Sage," A servant said as he quickly ran off.

Sage turned to Roden.

"It is still weird to hear such name," he said as they started walking

"You should've gotten used to it by now Sage," he said walking by his side.

Every time he heard that name well what was now considered his name he felt guilty. Roden and Tobias had become his best and only friends but not even such a dangerous secret could remain with them.

The only person that knew was Mott. He had promised to keep quiet about the matter and Sage had faith in him.

Cregan on the other hand was as dead as Conner. The night Conner was poisoned Cregan had his suspicions and ultamily found the culprit in Tobias room. Roden had been the one who caught him red handed and ended his life on the spot.

The thing was sometimes Sage felt the only reason they remained together was because of that secret.

Other than a few missing seats at the table everything remained the same. Though now the three of them were the Masters of the home. The servents were only informed what was nessesary.

Imogen remained a servent after Sage had decided it wasn't the greatest idea to have another person the group of liers.He didn't want to bring her into this.

He still loved her but had to begin pushing her away and eventually became cold twords her only saying what was nessesary untill eventually she stopped coming out to serve the food and just remained in the kitchen.

Though in one drunk night things went too far but was left behind months later.

Amaranda left for her own kingdom eventually and married another man but that was to the least of his worries.

Though now here he stand four years later. And the events were left in the past. Though what is in the dark eventually must come to the light.

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