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The one word that was a nightmare for anyone and everyone.

Though it was unusual it hadn't started after Veldergrath had taken the throne. Many had expected it to happen and many were prepared to go to war but it just never happened.

Which was concerning.

Though everyone already knew and accepted the fact that either way the king would eventually push the other countries to it's limits and actually start a war. In the mean while everyone would continue to try and live a normal life.

"Really? I mean come on is that the best you can do?" Roden asked Sage.

Today Sage decided to train with Roden. He had nothing planned or really better to do.

"I'm trying to go easy on you," Sage countered blocking one of his hits with his own blade.

"You lier," he said striking twords one of his legs.

He jumped up and swung toward Roden's head making him duck. Sage took this to his advantage and started attacking him making him start to walk backwards while fighting. He tripped over a rock falling over and losing grip on his sword and falling along with him. Sage put one foot on the sword and put the tip of his blade on Roden's neck.

"Fair enough," Roden said.

Sage outstretched his hand and helped him up. They shook hands and Sage passed him back his sword.

Roden walked over to get a rag and clean his sword. While Sage took a seat on a rock.

"So, have you heard about King Velgrath?"

King Velgrath what a name.

"What shall I have heard?" Sage asked.

"He attacked the borders of Avenia just because one young fellow crossed into Carthya," he said

What a stupid king Sage thought. He had just put the whole country in danger. Everyone knew how powerful Avenia and anyone with an actual functional brain wouldn't dare attack them.

"Did the boy ever get in?" Sage asked

"Yes they've been searching for him everywhere but still haven't caught onto his tracks. Rumor's are he's in Farthenwood but who knows," Roden added.

"But he wouldn't be in danger here, these are the border lands aren't they?" Sage said concerned.

Roden shrugged.

"I'm going out for while hopefully I won't be long. Tell Mott or else he'll go crazy searching for me," Sage said getting up putting his sword into its sheath on his waist.

"Alright be careful," Sage nodded.

Sage threw on his cloak he wore every time he went to the market and mouned his horse. He neared the market and tied the horse to a near tree. He walked into crowds of people, women with children, men with groceries, and likely orphaned children. He went to a near stander and bought a small loaf of bread just to satisfy his slight hunger.

While walking he heard sudden commotion from the stand he had just come from.

A young boy no older than thirteen ran from the shop owner with a loaf of bread. He ran into a near alley way and Sage decided to see how far it would go. The man cornered him and held a out a knife sudden panic ran through Sage.

"Stop!" He yelled.

The man turned around furious.

"Leave the boy alone," Sage said looking at the boy his eyes were filled with horror.

"This hulagen stole from my stand!" He said angrily.

Sage walked twords the man and handed him a small sack of gold coins.

"Here for your troubles now leave," he said glaring at the man who nodded and left.

Sage came up to the boy and took off the hood of his cloak.

"Didn't yout mother ever teach you not to steal?" Sage asked.

The boy gulped before answering,"I'm afraid I don't have a mother......nor a father,"

Sage looked shocked.

He had an Avenian accent.

They lived in the border lands but most had picked up the Carthyan accent some just had a mix of both on their tounge.

"Where are you from?" He asked.

The boy looked down and mumbled something.

"Speak clearly or what the point of having a tounge?" He threatened.

"Avenia," he finally answered.

"Your the one who stirred up the trouble," he said. "Forget I was ever here," sage said putting the Cloaks hood back on.

"No! Please help me!" He begged.

"I have plenty of my own problemsto add onto,"

He started to walk out of the alley. The boy came to him and pulled his wrist. Sage tried to shake his grip off but it was too strong. He turned around looking directly into the boys dark eyes. They seemed desperate and tears welled up in them.

Guilt recked through Sage. He needed to help him even if he had to risk it or his conscience would never rest in peace again. It was already unerving due to what he had done to Conner and Imogen.

"There's not much I can really help you with other than taking you with me."

"Oh please," he said with a smile.

"Come on then," he said.

He wiped tears out of his eyes and started walking with him.

"What's your name?" He asked

"Sage," he paused "yours?"


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