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Sage stood unknowing if what to do. So many emotions ran through him but the strongest was anger.

Why hadn't she told him? Why was he never told?

Sage stood up with anger.

"Go get Imogen she's in the room with the boy," he said harshly to the woman.

"Yes master," she got up quickly and came back with Imogen. As soon as she shut the door Sage walked up to Imogen.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" He shouted with anger.

This caught Imogen off guard her eyes instantly filled with fear of what he might do to her or the baby.

"Answer the question Imogen!" He shouted grabbing her arm.

Tears started to spill from her eyes and her breath became shallow.

"I-didn't-I-" then she fell.

Sage face dropped in surprise. Imogen had fainted. He instantly fell on the ground with her.

"Imogen?" He asked. No answer.

Upon hearing the thud Fink had escaped his room and ran into the room.

"Imogen!" He shouted kneeling next to Sage.

Tears started to spill from Sage's eyes. This was all his fault.

"What happened?" He asked

"She got startled, I-I wasn't aware she was fragile." He answered "Go get Tobias,"

"Who's that?"

"The one with black hair and thin face, tell him to bring his medical supplies,"

Fink nodded hurrying to the door.

"I'm so sorry Imogen," he wispered pulling her small fraim into an embrace. Tears continued to spill from his eyes.

After what felt like an eternity he finally heard steps running twords the room.

Tobias came in setting his bag on the floor and kneeling next to Imogen.

He put his hand on her chest feeling her breaths. He pulled out a stethoscope and heard her heart beat. Finally he pulled away.

"Her blood rised and she fainted she'll be fine just get her into a bed," Tobias said looking up at Sage.

Mott finally appeared at the door way.

"Is she going to be okay?"

Tobias nodded.

Mott helped pick Imogen up and take her to one of the guest room. Sage was the only one in the room after everything calmed down. He was starting to fall asleep when he felt her start to shift in the bed.

"Imogen?" She froze and did not move for the longest time.

"Imogen?" He tried again. Still no answer. "Tobias needs you to take a pill,"

She finally shifted into a sitting position with her head hung low. From this angle her stomach was clear and bigger than he'd assumed it would be. No wonder she never wanted him to see her sitting.

He handed her a glass of water and the pill. She took it and returned the glass of water.

"Don't make me get ride of them," she started

"Who?" He asked confused looking at her.

She raised her head looking into to his eyes.

"The baby," she answered.

Sage staired at her no knowing what to say. Then looked down.

"I don't know Imogen," he answered almost in a wisper.

The first time had said the truth. He didn't know. He didn't want to have to take responsibility he never wanted it to lead to this. He was only nineteen he still had a lot to live for. Not become a parent. How could he raise a child when he still acted like one himself?

Sage got up and left the room hearing Imogen silent sobs.

"Is she awake?" Tobias asked

Sage nodded and Tobias stepped in. Sage walked twords Mott's room. He went to knock but Mott opened the door before him.

"I was waiting for you," he said.

Sage came in and sat on his bed.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Sage asked

"Because I knew you would do something stupid if I did," he answered.

"But neither of you planned on telling me eventually?"


"What was she planning on doing afterwards?"

"I never talked to her about it Sage, one day one of the female servants told me that Imogen had been ill and they were worried it might be the plage, so I had sent her to see a physician and that's when she found out."

Sage stayed silent.

"What do we do now?"

"You will fix things with Imogen," he answered clearly

"You should have seen the fear in her eyes, have I been too harsh? I don't think she'll ever stand next to me by will ever again,"

"Sage you will eventually have to find a way to make peace with her, Sage you'll have to find a way to make her love you,"

"But she doesn't and she never has,"

"Maybe she did and you never knew."

Sage looked up at him a confused expression on his face.

"Whether she loves me or not isn't the biggest issue right now, it's the fact that she is going to have a child very soon,"

"Your," he corrected "You can't runaway from responsibility,"

"But I'm not ready,"

"Jaron how many times have you said you not ready to me?" He stayed silent  "Whether you want to or not this isn't something simple it about a life,"

"Fink's life also matters but no one turned against me but instead him! Why can't they do the same with her?!"

Mott became quiet. Sage had then realized what he had said.

"I-I didn't mean it like that," he said looking at the floor with shame.

"No you meant what you said," he got up "but think about it this way, do you want them to end up like you on the streets or live a happy life like your mother gave you?" He left the room only leaving Sage and his thoughts in his room.

Sage could blame one person and that was himself. He was furious with his selfishness. Why did he only think of what was good for him? That was the mind of a street theif which was a life he no longer lived. He couldn't abandon the mindset which was the worst part of all. He needed to start thinking about the people around him and what was long awaited. He needed to be


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