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Imogen had been moved to the guest room where Tobias had treated her. Sage never saw her outside of her room, the only one who saw her was Fink when he would go be with her every now and then. Sage's relationship's with Roden and Tobias worsened. They were disappointed with the fact he had slept with one of the kitchen servants something that should have never been done.

Even though it had been a couple of weeks they countinued to search for Fink. Soildies had started to search homes becoming more nerve-racking for everyone who lived in the home.

Sage finally had made his decision of keeping the child Imogen and Mott had been the one to notify her. He said her eyes light up when he said it but now Sage had to be able to at least talk to her.

He opened to door to Imogen's room. Fink sat on the bed chatting it seems as if he never took a breath. Imogen giggled she was under the covers only the top half of her body was visible.

Sage caught himself staring, just like he used to when he had just arrived years ago. She was beautiful. Her hair was out of it's usual braid and it was on one side of her face. She wore a light yellow dress that went to her elbows. Her eyes stared at Fink as he went on and on. The sun made them appear brighter.

Sage cleared his throat interrupting Fink, both his and Imogen's face turned to him.

They stood in an awkward silence.

"Do you need something?" Imogen asked in a harsh tone, one Sage thought she'd never use.

"No, I just came to check on Fink since he hasn't been in his own room for the past two hours,"

"And since when are you so concerned for him?" She asked.

"Since he is always in potential danger and a threat to all of us who live here." He answered his voice raising slightly.

Imogen shifted slightly before answering.

"Very well then, now that you see he is here with me, safe and not putting anyone in danger, you can leave. Don't you agree Fink?" All the attention turned twords him.

He nodded and Sage hesitantly left. She had become very cold twords him and to be fair he deserved it.

This was only one of the failed attempts to talk to her. She always found an excuse to push him away. Sage had started to become desperate since Mott kept insisting on him fixing their relationship, Sage almost gave up multiple times.

But she remained the same never talking to him unless nessesary which made everything more complicated.

Finally one day Fink had been too busy since Tobias had insisted on teaching him the basics of reading and writing. Imogen was alone in her room. Sage quietly entered.

She was sitting on the corner of her bed. She hummed a soft toon while doing something in her hands. He walked twords her until he stood directly infront of her. She was sewing something that appeared as a small onzie.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

Without looking up she answered, "Well I don't want my child to run around without clothes,"

"Our child Imogen," Sage stated.

She glanced up at him with a sharp glare.

"No they are not," she answered "Someone who is not ready for responsibility can't have a child,"

Until now it hadn't occured to Sage how loud he had shouted that day.

"Imogen I didn't mean that,"

Imogen turned her attention back to what she was doing ignoring him. Sage looked at her before going to his knees. He took her hands into his. She started to pull them away but his grip was stronger and she finally looked at him.

She got lost in his green eyes as did he in her tea colored.

She remembered the day they met, the moment she had fallen in love with him. She felt as if she had fallen for him all over again.

Sage finally caught her attention now he just needed to not mess up.

He started to get closer to her face and she started to lean in he started to take a hold of her hand when the needle stabbed between his thumb and index finger. He immediately jumped back startling Imogen.

"Are you alright?" She asked as he held his hand.

"I'll be fine you just stabbed me with the needle,"

She suddenly looked down at her hands as she still held both the cloth and needle.

"Oh, I'm sorry," she said looking at him, she pulled his hand twords her. It was bleeding backing away moved the needle causing a worse injury.

"It's not your fault, who forgets someone else having a needle in their hand?"

"You do," she answered with a small smile.

She bent down as far as her stomach allowed her to and ripped a bit of the bottom of her dress, and handed it to him.

"Go get Tobias to bandage it," she said

Sage looked at her one more time and couldn't help but lean in and kiss her, he could have done that for an eternity, but Imogen began back up and push him away.

"Go before it gets worse," she said.

"Yeah, sorry right," he got up finally and went for the door.

He ran into Fink.

"What were you doing in there? I thought she doesn't like you,"

"She didn't," he suddenly looked down.

"What happened? Are you okay?" He asked pointing at his hand

"I just had a little accident..... with a needle......but I'll be fine," he told Fink with a smile.

Fink smiled back before going into the room.

He walked twords Tobias' room, but he couldn't be happier. Though his hand was very much in pain his conscience finally rest in peace. He had fixed things with Imogen. He couldn't wait to tell Mott. But not before fixing the minor issue. Next step was regaining her trust, he wasn't sure if she did or did not have trust in him but he hoped so. But for now his problems


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