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"Are you crazy?" Tobias said clearly angry.

"I can't deny such," Sage admitted crossing his arms.

"You dare bring the boy who is near to start a war to us?!"

"It won't matter as long as no one finds out," he said calmly.

"Sage! What if they do?! They'll have our heads!"

"They won't if we're careful," he answered.

Tobias rubbed his temples in frustration.

"Fine,fine but don't come running to me when they find the boy and you better own up to it," he said putting his hand on Sage's desk.

"I'll be in my room," he said before leaving the room closing the door behind him.

Sage shrugged.

Waste of energy.

When he made up his mind their no one or no thing that could change it. Fink had been brought to the home just a few hours ago. He had been greeted by the servants which Sage ordered to clean him up. Fink didn't want to part with Sage until he promised he'll see him later.

Sage got up from his desk and went for the door. As soon as he opened it he was faced with Roden.

"Well hello-"

"Is your brain rotted?" He asked.

Sage raised a brow. "Not yet, I don't believe." He said opening the door wider to step out.

"Then are you just out of your mind?!" Roden  asked with a harsh tone in his voice.

"Okay first of all I have no clue what you are talking about, and second of all don't you see I have somewhere to be?" He started walking down the hall.

"You know very well what I'm going on about,"

"Oh, about Fink?"

"Who?'" he asked confused.

"Fink the boy I brought back from the market,"

"Yes, Fink is that really his name?"

Sage shrugged "That's what he calls himself,"

"What were you thinking upon brining him here?"

"I don't know honestly," he answered with complete truth.

"Your putting us all in danger, Sage, do you have any clue who stupid that was?"

"When have I done something actually smart?"

Roden stayed silent. It was true when hadn't he made a stupid choice?

He sighed, "Sage I just don't understand you," he said before brushing past him.

Sage just briefly glanced behind him before entering the room though this time recognized two people.

Fink sat on the bed talking with Imogen. He hadn't seen her in months after the incident. She immediately stood up upon seeing his entrance but, put the Platter which she had served  Fink on flatly across her abdominal area. She looked down. Sage stared at her with meer interest.

"Do you have a rip in your clothes?"

"No, master." She answered calmly and almost too quietly.

"Then what was that for?" He pointed to the platter.

"Where else would I put it, Sir?"

He stared at her up and down. Briefly looking at the platter. She seemed different but he didn't know how.

"Fair point. You are dismissed." He said waving her off.

She nodded and turned to smile at Fink, and he smiled back. The she walked out of the room.

"Can she be my care taker?" He asked.

"What?" Sage said caught off guard

"Can she please?"

Sage paused for a second and sighed.

"I'll see what I can do," he walked over to the bed and sat down next to him.

"Do you like it here?"

Fink shrugged. "I guess it's better than living on the streets," he looked at the floor.

"Why did you come to Carthya?"

"Because of king Vargen," he answered.

"Why does his rule affect you?"

"Because he takes our stuff for taxes,"

"But if you don't have anything what 'stuff' is he taking?"

"From the thieves camp," he said like it was nothing.

"The thieves camp? Are you a part of them?"

"Not really they just have me there for no real reason that I am aware of,"

"Do you steal for them?"


"That explains a lot," Sage crossed his arms.

Fink looked at him a confused look on his face

"You don't steal in an open area, you should have known that," he said

"How would you know?"

Sage scoffed "You really thought I was born a noblemen?"

Fink nodded.

"Your naive, of course I was not born a noblemen I was like you,"


He nodded.

"Your really all on your own,"

"Is that why you helped me?"

Sage looked at him and smiled.

"Yes, and partly because why not take a stranger home?"

Fink chuckled.

"I can think about at least a hundred," he answered.

"Well I have to get going see you tomorrow morning, have a good night's rest." Sage said getting up.

"Wait!" Fink said just as he reached the door. He ran towards him and hugged his waist.

"Thank you for saving my life Sage," Sage patted his head.

Once Fink backed away Sage left the room.

A hug. He hadn't had one in a while....long now that he thought about it. It felt so kind and safe to be inbraced even for a moment. You feel safe in the embrace of the right person.

The thing was Sage didn't have anyone. No mother, no father, no brother, no real friends, no lover.



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