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"Oh believe me I realize," Sage countered as Roden spoke.

"I thought you had cut off all contact with the princess," Roden responded.

Right now they spoke about the princess and how she had to marry one of the nephews to the king of Medwal.

"I have but no gossip escapes from passing through Farthenwood,"

Tobias stayed silent.

"Tobias you've been awfully quiet, that's a bit concerning. What on your mind?" Sage asked looking at him.

"It's nothing Sage,"

"It doesn't seem like nothing,"

"I said it's nothing of your concern," he said returning Sage's stare.

"Fine, Fine, nothing to get upset about," Sage said as he put his hands up as if to surrender. "Just remember unless your mind offers any company, we're your only friends."

Tobias just nodded returning back eating his food.

The servants came out to deliver the final course of their meals.

"Can you believe we were once orphans with no food and now we eat like kings?" Roden said.

"We are still orphans Roden, and we are nowhere near the status of a king," Tobias added.

Roden just glared at him.

Sage just stared at them both bemused.

"I was thinking we could all go on a horse ride later but obviously with Tobias tension there would be no point,"

"Your right hopefully if Tobias wakes up on the right side of the bed tomorrow he won't be a pain,"

"I'm not a pain," Tobias said his brows furrowed.

"Mhm, and my name's Annabelle," Roden said

"Well in that case, Annabelle, I am not a pain."

Sage soon erupted in laughter. He had held it in as long as he could but could not manage any longer.

Soon Roden began and later joined Tobias.

Soon the three were laughing until they could no longer breath.

They eventually had to leave the room and go fulfil their daily schedules.

Roden practice sword fighting almost all day. If he could he would even train at night, after practice he would usually just rest for a while before going into the nearest market. He spent his time just living relaxed. He would usually find really anyone to practice in it place bets with and would almost always undestamated but would

Tobias had recently become a physician. He worked every now and then at one of the local hospitals. He never wasted any of his 'valuable' time as he called. When he wasn't working he was reading or finding new things to learn. Many had doughted him of being a real physician for being so young but always managed to prove them wrong.

During the day Sage really did not do much. He would train with Roden though on very rare occasions. He would sometimes read books after Tobias had but in secret so no one knew. He felt as if his life wasn't complete. Both his friends had figured their lives out but not him. He felt as if the devil's were playing a cruel game with him for what he had done to Bevin Conner. A lifeless meaningless game he was sick and tired of. Sure each of them had lost something or someone but still they had something to live for and look forward to. While he didn't.

Later after lunch instead of going on horseback with Tobias and Roden he invited Mott. He had become as a Father to him and always have him the advice he was looking for. Mott knew everything including his and their secret. Though many times he had questioned why he hadn't taken the throne. Sage would simply respond with the fact he never wanted the throne. Long ago had Velgrath taken the throne. But Sage could not care any less.

Mott and him rode through the near valley with sunflowers, greenest grass he had ever seen. The blue sky danced with the clouds and the sun seemed to smile at them.

"When are you going to tell them?" Mott asked interrupting his daydream.

"Tell who what?" Sage answered innocently though clearly knowing about what

"Don't play dumb Sage," he responded slightly pulling the reigns of the horse to come to a stop and so did Sage.

"Never," he mumbled.

"Sage you hidden it for seven years, all that is in the dark must eventually come to light," he said looking at him.

He sighed heavily before saying "I know but do you believe such a secret wouldn't be dangerous to tell them?"

"It would be as dangerous as you who is living the lie prince Jaron,"

Everytime he heard that name his stomach twisted. That was his real name and only Mott called him that when they were alone.

"I told you not to call me a prince I am cut short from being a good ruler. What prince denies his part to the people and let's someone else take the throne?"

"Jaron does," he answered "Jaron one day you'll accept that your place is on that throne not these lies. But you still decide to keep living them," Mott said as he put hand on Sage's shoulder.

"But I don't feel ready, and war has been on the fire for years now closely ready to boil just because I am not ready for responsibility."

"You're nineteen Jaron, there is no shame in not being ready, but think about all the people your people who are hopeing for a better life than the one King Velgrath is giving them." He said.

Sage paused looking at the ground.

"I'm not ready," he said "Velgrath is giving his people the best he can and there is not much I can do about that,"

Sage said coldly. Mott took his off his shoulder and nodded.

"If that's what you believe is best," he sounded sad but hid it well. "We should be returning now before sunset," Mott pointed out how the sun was starting to dip into the horizon.

"Yes let's leave," Sage started the horse back up.

Though what Mott didn't know was how much Jaron actually regretted every moment. If he could he would just claim the throne just like that but that was nearly impossible. He wished he had his old life back as Sage. A care free orphan who had the best of adventures. Though was only acting.

That was the worst part of his life.



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