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Sage sat at the table with Tobias and Roden only. Fink had stayed in his room for breakfast since he insisted on spending time with Imogen. Tobias continued to ignore everyone around him and so did Roden.

"So your plan is to act like a bunch of idiot until the boy leaves?" Sage asked raising a brow at both of them.

Roden mumbled something.

"I can't hear you," Sage said looking at him

"I don't mind him it's the fact your putting us at danger," he answered clearly.

"Unless someone rants us out no one will find out,"

"That never ends well Sage," Tobias finally talked.

"Well I don't suppose you have a better idea of how to keep him safe. Would you plan on turning him in if you were in my place?"

Tobias stayed silent.

"He would but he doesn't have the heart to," Roden answered for Tobias.

Tobias looked at Roden then back at Sage and nodded.

"Do you see what I see now? You should have seen the look of desperation he gave me after I had saved him."

"We get your point Sage, he can stay. As long as he's well guarded."

"Good because-"

"You wouldn't have cooperated any other way. Sage we've know you for way too long your so stubborn either we said yes or no he would have stayed." Roden said looking at Tobias.

No matter what they couldn't fall apart just by one simple disagreement.There was too much at stake and they all knew it.

The meal was dismissed immediately after and everyone went to do their own business.

Sage as he had done for the past two days went up to Fink. He heard faint laughter coming from the room and shushing.

Sage stepped into the room. Imogen and Fink were giggling about something on the bed.

"What happing?" Sage asked.

As soon as Imogen Heard his voice she grabbed a pillow off of Fink's bed and put it in front of her. She then stood up, which she's really been prefering to lightly.

"Nothing master Sage."

"Would you quit?" Sage said a very irrated voice.

"I'm afraid I don't know what you are talking about master." She said calmly.

"What are you hiding? It is clear that every time you are close to me you cover."

"Nothing master,"

"This is your last chance Imogen. What are hiding." He said in a serious tone. She lowered her head.

"Nothing master,"

"Fine, but if I find what your hiding you will be sent away far from Farthenwood, understand?"

She nodded. Sage then left the room fuming. Roden walked passed the hall and spotted him.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Just fine," Sage answered.

"Clearly not," Roden muttered.

Sage looked at him.

"Bring one of the kitchen servants to my office, I need to ask a couple of questions."

Roden nodded but the confused expression could not be missed on his face.

Sage walked to his office and waited. Some time later Roden walked in with a servant woman who looked to be just slightly older than Imogen. She had black hair with pale skin. She wore an appron similar to Imogen's but cleaner. She wore a black dress that went down to her knees with long sleeves. She had her hands together with her head held low.

"I brought the servant you asked for," Roden said.

"Thank you now may you leave I would like to speak in private with her," Sage said gesturing to the woman.

Roden nodded and closed the door behind him.

"You may take a seat if you like," Sage offered

She stepped forward taking a seat infront of him.

"Thank you master." She said

"Do you know the servant Imogen?"

"The mute?" She asked

"Yes her, it always seems as if she's hiding something is there any chance of you know what it might be?"

"No sir as I've said before she's a mute she doesn't talk I don't believe she's hiding anything from anyone."

"What about the fact she cover her stomach area every time anyone's around?"

She looked at him a bit weird.

"I have no clue what you talking about master she never feels the need to cover her bump in front of the other servants." She answered calmly.

What bump?

"What do you speak of?"

"Her bump, are you not aware?" She said in a confused tone.

"No what should I be aware of?"

"Imogen is pregnant, seven months and half in fact,"

The world seemed to freeze. Sage's feet felt as if the floor gripped him. His eyes blurred and it's seemed as if time had just stopped to torment him further. His heart was beating out of his chest.

Imogen was pregnant.

That's when his heart stopped. Imogen had never been with anyone like that. The only person had been


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