final part

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"So she stabbed you?" Tobias asked as he wrapped Sage's hand.

"Yes and no," he answered

Tobias gave him a confused look.

"I came close to her hand while she held a needle."

"Ah, so this was your fault," Tobias said letting go of his hand,

"Kind of, thank you,"

"No problem I have to go," he said walking out of the room.

Tobias was still cold twords him. Roden simply avoided him all day. Fink still acted the same.

But Sage wasn't ready to give up yet, he had already gained one person. What was two more?

Sage looked out the window and saw Roden training as always. He Looked at him before going down to the garden. As he walked down Roden had a hard expression on his face. He seemed consitrated and deep in thought at the same time.

Sage came near him and took out his sword from it's sheath.

"Want to duel?" He asked.

Roden only glanced at him before ignoring him. Sage gave him a slight scowl before smirking.

"Ah, I see you still remember your defeat a few weeks ago," he mocked " And here I thought you where brave but you back down from a challenge,"

Roden's glare sharpened and he looked at Sage. Sage slightly shrugged and his smirk continued to tugged on his lips.

"Fair enough, but you might lose your title at the market, what was it? Oh yeah 'sword king Roden' more like 'the pathetic sword person who can't win" and that sent him.

Roden thrusted his sword forward merely missing Sage's waist. He moved sideways just slightly avoiding the attack. His eyes widened maybe he should have made Roden this angry.

"You are no better Sage," he sethed through his teeth as they clashed their swords together. Sage backed up realizing how bad he just messed up.

Roden and anger didn't mix too well together. He had learned that long ago when he nearly cut Sage's arm off out of spit while practicing, lucky it only left a small scar on Sage's arm.

"Roden calm down!" Sage yelled nearly missing a hit in the chest from Roden's sword

"Conner was right you should learn to control your sharp tounge,"

Roden jammed his sword into the wall next to him in a threatening matter. That's when Sage's eyes flashed.

He immediately began attacking Roden back properly. Roden was shocked.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2021 ⏰

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