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The next morning as breakfast was being served for the first time in ages Imogen had come out to serve the food.

She had a bruise that ran from the crease of her eye to the end of her cheek bone which Sage hadn't noticed the night before as she had spoken to him with her head down. He noticed her apron fit tight around her which was a bit strange considering the fact that her face remained slim.

She served Fink with a smile. He smiled back.

As she passed by, Sage stopped her patting her shoulder.

"I need you to come to my office after we finish our meal," she nodded before going back into the kitchen.

Fink sat the furthest from the table seeming very uncomfortable. Tobias stared at him every time he looked up. Roden just stayed silent glaring at the table.

"You know, your making the poor boy uncomfortable," Sage said looking between the two for their reaction.

Tobias finally looked back at him. He narrowed his eyes at Sage.

"I don't think most like yourself Sage, find it easy to talk to a stranger,"

"But he's not a stranger, he's Fink."

Tobias glared before returning to his original position ignoring him.

The rest of the meal was unerving. Fink kept bouncing his right leg since the other made him nervous. Roden continued to glare at the table as if they were long time enemies. Tobias acted as if he were all alone not acknowledging anyone else around him.

Soon the meal was dismissed and everyone went their own seperate way.

Sage walked to his office and waited for Imogen. She finally appeared and stayed at the doorway looking down at the ground.

"Come, take a seat." He said gesturing to the chair in front of her desk.

"I prefer to stand if that is fine with you, master." She said not even bothering to glance up.

"Whatever you feel comfortable with,"

She stood putting her hands infront together it confused Sage further.

"Do you know why your here?"

"No master," she answered with a bit of a shaky voice clearly nervous.

"After you left yesterday, Fink asked if you could be his caretaker. Beginning tomorrow you will be, understand?"

"Yes master," she said.

"You are dismissed,"

"Yes master," she began to leave.

"One more thing," he said stopping her from closing the door.

She turned back.

"When I asked you if you knew why you were here you seemed nervous is there something I need to be aware of?" He looked at her.

"N-No I don't think so master." She stuttered.

Clearly a lie.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes master,"

"If you say so, now you may leave,"

She nodded and closed the door.

What could be wrong with her? It might be the awkward tension between the two but that couldn't be right she was hiding something. He knew she wouldn't tell him directly.

He decided to go check on Fink to see how he was doing after the whole awkward dinner. He walked into the room. Fink stared at the window and kept looking at his hand. He shut the door catching his attention.

He turned around excitedly and his face dropped when he saw Sage.

"Oh.....I thought you were some else," he said.

Sage walked over to the bed to see what was so interesting.

He then put it in the pocket of his shirt.

"What was that?" He asked

"Oh, this" he asked pulling out a pocket watch.

"Who gave you that?"

"The servant woman," he answered



Sage nodded.

"Why is she so important to you?"

"She's really kind, and when she got here I was scared but she told me to be brave because sometimes you might have to take a big step. Then she brought me hot chocolate and cookies!" He said happily.

Sage laughed "Is that all that wins you over? You have low standards."

Fink scoffed making Sage laugh.

"Is there anything else?"

"No not really,"

"Why'd she give you the watch?"

"She said that it reminded her of her father and she didn't want to throw it away so she gave it to me," he answered looking at the watch. "It all dirty and messed up," he said

Sage extended his hand and Fink put the watch in his hand. Sage looked at the watch. It was old and and dirty as Fink described it. He looked over the time though the arrow of the long arm was broken the short arm seemed stuck. On the back it had that two initials, Sage assumed it was Imogen's mom and dad's first initials. He handed it back to Fink.

"It's fine, I have to go see you later,"

He nodded and Sage left the room.

The morning went by and so did the afternoon soon night fell along with them. Around midnight Jaron felt like he couldn't go to sleep he got up walked around he saw a light from Mott's room. He knocked.

"Come in," he said.

Sage opened the door slowly. Mott looked up at him.

"Do you need anything?" He asked as he looked back down at the papers in front of him.

"I couldn't sleep,"

"I don't understand what you want me to do about that." He answered.

Sage leaned against the wall. Not really knowing what to say.

"What did you need Imogen for in the morning?"
He started.

"Fink wanted her to be his caretaker, so I told her." He responded "She acts really strange around me almost as if she's hiding something."

Mott glanced up only for a second and hesitated.

"She's never hidden anything or lied why would you think she lies to you?"

Sage shrugged, "it's just a suspension," He added

"Jaron do you still love her?" He asked.

This caught Sage off guard. Still loved her? When had he shown he loved her. Things didn't match up did he know about what had happened between them a couple months back? Or was their something else?

"I've never loved her," Sage answered coldly

Another lie.

Something seem to flash over Mott's eyes a mixture of sadness and anger.

But he remained silent.

"You should leave Jaron it's getting late," was the only thing he responded with.

"Okay, well goodnight." He said shutting the door.

But Mott didn't say it back.

What could it be?



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