14 : his pure love

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You were doing wrong Shehnaaz",he whispered with tears and sat Inside his car. He placed his head on stearing wheel and started crying as his heart pained seeing her crying. Hw remembered one memory where he said that he will never let her cry

Flashback start

"Sidharthhh what is your problem yrr why are you ignoring me", cried Shehnaaz dramatically as he was continuously working on laptop without paying attention on her which was irritating her

"Ohh sorry Sana don't take in that way baby. I have work nahh. Come here you know right I love you", he confessed and placed his laptop aside. He took her in back-hug and rested his head on her shoulder

"I will never let you cry Jaan", he said and them turned her. Shehnaaz blushed hearing word jaan. Sidharth kissed her forehead lovingly. His all tiredness went away when he took her in his arms. Shehnaaz closed her eyes feeling due to proximity

(This flashback is from his side only so I will concentrate on his feelings here)

Sidharth joined their foreheads and holded her waist tightly. He was so tensed because of work but her smile was always magical which can force him to smile even if he is sad.

"Bass bas don't cry I am not going anywhere and I didn't cried I was just doing drama sachi see my eyes", she said in her usual childish voice

"Aacha aacha I understood that it was drama but don't pull these type of stunts. I don't like when you are sad", he said and again pulled her in hug after pulling her cheeks softly. He felt so lucky that he was the lucky guy who can hold her in his arms forever with right

Flashback end

"That time I was not hurt Sana but nowadays I am. Why that time I didn't noticed that you didn't confessed your feelings? Why I behaved as a fool? Drama.....huhh you are a big drama queen but this drama pinched me on my heart.

I still don't like when you are sad. I still can't get courage to hurt you even if it's physically or mentally

It was true love from my side nahh but at the same time I will not give you another.. chance", he chocked with tears. He was not crying because of flashback but because he left her to cry. Her broken voice somewhere broke him as well but he is not going to forgive her ever . She hurted him in worst way as possible.

"I will never stop this divorce... Never", he thought and drove his car towards his....rather to say their special place where they spent most of time together. it is still unbelievable for him that all that was her drama

He recalled her words and Understood that Shehbaaz stopped talking with her. He stopped his car near a small garden and called Shehbaaz. After 3 rings he picked up call

Hlo Sidharth- said Shehbaaz

H...hii Shehbaaz... H..how are you

I am fine but seems like you are tensed. Anything wrong? Do you need any help?

Actually yes... Can you forgive Shehnaaz and talk with her like before? I know she did wrong with me and I should be the one who should show anger not you. It's between us na why are you hurting her like this. She has no one except you

I know Sidharth but I don't want to talk with her. How can she stoop so low

I know Shehbaaz but rivalry should remain till buisness but she dragged it much but ..... Talk with her yr... I can forget rivalry too ... Sh...she tried to commit suicide I can't let her do that again. At the same time I don't want to give US a chance. Today I saved her but how many times I will do that?

Sidharth I must say you are a true lover... I am really sorry from her side again. I am really shocked that...that she .... Thank you Sidharth. Regarding rivalry so I forgot that day when I thought she love you.. for me her happiness mattered

And for her your happiness mattered. See she is very weak please comeback and... Talk with her. Scold her , irritate her but don't ignore her like this. And don't sl...slap her

Shehbaaz giggled hearing his words. He can feel love even after her betrayal.
Ok Sidharth I will forgive her and talk with her politely anything else?

Yes don't let her know that I asked you to talk with me pleaseeee.

Ok Sidharth I will do whatever you will say.

Thank you

Said Sidharth and declined call without waiting for his reply. He came out of his car and started walking. After 10 minutes he reached near a tree hut. He climbed there and sat there with tears in his eyes

"I am a coward who is good for nothing. I can't hate her... Why it is so? I can't see her breaking why?", He cried holding his hairs tightly. He want to give her pain but he himself is getting more pain In return. He was unable to see her pain

"Why I called Shehbaaz?", He asked from himself. He know answer but still he want to know reason that why he love her so much. Why she didn't valued their relation ever?

"Now Shehnaaz I will.... I will do drama yes...I will do it.... I will show you that I am already in relationship and you will leave me because... because I can't do anything else", he said after getting up. He took long breathes to calm himself but it didn't worked as he is going away from her

He is scared to trust her again. He has a fear now what if she cheated him twice? What if she won over him again? What if it's all planned again


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