24 : A LIE

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"Can I come? I mean pa is also important na?", Asked Shehnaaz with hopes that Sidharth will say a yes but Sidharth did not uttered any word. He stayed silent when she asked him. She thought he didn't heard her sentence whereas Sidharth thought to ignore her question .
Sidharth walked towards Shehbaaz and sat in front of him

"Sorry for my behavior bhai. Are you fine now?", Asked Sidharth ignoring Shehnaaz question. Shehbaaz nodded and stand up. He want them to spend much time together not seperately because in this way they will not be able to live their Life happily if they choosed to divorce

"I am fine but what about you? Are you alright?",asked Shehbaaz and noticed that Sidharth eyed Shehnaaz before answering him which indirectly meant a no but his answer came totally opposite that too with a smile

"Yes I am fine", replied Sidharth with a smile. Shehnaaz understood that his smile is fake because he don't smile unnecessarily. And his real smile is very wide and beautiful not like this which is very low like someone forced him to smile

"Aacha I am going. Stay happy", said Shehbaaz and holded Sidharth hand. Sidharth looked towards him in confusion but he understood what's coming next when Shehbaaz dragged him towards Shehnaaz

"Sidharth... I am giving this hand to you once again to keep her safe. If you want I can go instead of you", asked Shehbaaz after placing Shehnaaz hand on Sidharth hand. He noticed that they didn't moved their hands a bit so he helped them to interwine their fingers together. Shehnaaz looked down in guilt again. If not her jealousy and revenge he would be her husband. He used to love her unconditionally but everything is changed now because of her one mistake

"No Shehbaaz thank you so much. But I will go there alone. I want to spend sometime alone. Personal assistant is not that much important. Moreover what she will do there? I am going there for work . I have to work there for 16 hours which she can't so it's better for her to stay here", replied Sidharth eyeing Shehnaaz. He indirectly gave answer of her question too as he thought he did wrong by ignoring her . She asked normal question which is her right as his wife

"Sidharth I can . I am ready to work with you. I want to stay with you please", Pleaded Shehnaaz and came in front of him. Sidharth looked aside as her fragrance is intoxicating him again. Shehbaaz left from there without saying anything and closed the door to give them space.

Sidharth don't want her to come with him as with him many male clients are going. He don't think that any girl is going with them so taking her there will mean that he is risking her safety which he will never. For him her safety comes first. Even in morning he noticed Shehnaaz coming that is the reason he lied about trip to make her belive that he don't want to stay with her

"I lied about trip. It is a buisness deal", Sidharth replied and took two steps back. Shehnaaz noticed that his eyes were closed when she came near him . To confirm that does her closeness affect him and stepped forward. Sidharth felt her closeness increasing so he turned to go but Shehnaaz holded his hand before he could go

"Sidharth I really want to give us a chance. I don't want divorce", whispered Shehnaaz in low voice. Tears made way in her eyes again. Sidharth closed his eyes to control his emotions, her tears are again hurting him, he is again regretting his actions but Didn't he tried his best to impress her before? Didn't he pampered her in a way like anyone will fall for him
. Sidharth want to take his hand back but he can't jerk her so he stayed there without turning.

"Sidharth I really love... ", Shehnaaz tried telling but he interrupted her and turned towards Shehnaaz

"Don't Shehnaaz. I don't believe this. This is just your regret. If you want I am okay with one condition that I will not divorce you till you don't cheat me.  But I don't believe in love. So stop talking about love. That Sidharth died a long back. I was that much in love with you that I could have gave you those papers myself. There was no need to cheat me. That deal didn't hurt me much but your words and especially that line *did I confessed ever* that line broke my heart Shehnaaz. Why you gave me hopes then?

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