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Read this chapter and help me in title please 😅😅

Next day

Shehbaaz entered Shehnaaz room with with slow steps without disturbing her and sat beside her

"Forgive your brother Shehnaaz. I promise I will never disappoint you. I was so angry Sana. He is really very nice man. I never asked you to involve yourself between us and our fight but still you did why? Was not our love enough for you? Your intention was not right Sana that is the reason you went through that. Whereas he was and he is best ", Shehbaaz said and started caressing her hairs softly. Shehnaaz smiled and placed her head on his lap

"Even I am bhai but just because of Sidharth I am forgiving you as he matter to me a lot. I was fool to behave with him like that. I regret it now. Why I was that much rude with him", Shehnaaz said. Shehbaaz smiled and thanked Sidharth in mind. He is truly an angle in thier life. His love is selfless. He he wanted he could have provoked her or left him to manofy her but here this guy solved his problems in seconds. He don't have anything to pay him back for everything

"Don't ever hurt him Sana. See if that person can have soft heart towards you even after doing that much then even you can forgive him for his mistakes in future right? Will you? Try to make him happy Shehnaaz. Don't stay idle like this", Shehbaaz said and kissed her forehead

"I will not bhai but I am very hurt from you how can you.... anyways I can't get emotional thinking about all those when you all can forget that. Good morning", Shehnaaz said and got up hurriedly to make herself busy. She picked her phone up and called Sidharth

"Shehnaaz... He must be sleeping. Let him sleep", Shehbaaz shouted. Shehnaaz glared him as Sidharth picked her call up

"Hello anything serious Shehnaaz?",he asked in low voice. Shehnaaz understood that he must be sleeping so she replied immediately

"No I am very sorry Sidharth I forgot about time difference. Here I woke up so thought to talk with you as you are an early riser. Sleep well love good night. Love you a lotttt...", Shehnaaz said and was about to add few more things when Shehbaaz declined call

"Mad girl let him sleep atleast",he said. Shehnaaz made poker face and looked aside in irritation. She understood that he is sleeping but still she wanted to hear his voice and reply where this thought didn't go well with Shehbaaz . He knows how difficult it is for someone to manage everything where time is something else

"Message him and wait till his reply", Shehbaaz said. Shehnaaz pushed him lightly but he acted as he really fell down which scared Shehnaaz

"Bhai are you fine?", asked Shehnaaz to confirm if it is his drama or reality. His smile gave her answer. She rolled her eyes and moved out of room. She was really scared when she thought that she hurt him after his accident. He nodded and let her go.

Leap of 1 month

Shehnaaz is working in his cabin through her laptop. She looked towards her phone and noticed message from him where he wished her good afternoon. She smiled seeing this, he never forget to wish her even if sometimes she forget. From the time he left she started working like a robot in order to forget his memories as whenever she is alone she miss him. She can't disturb him because once he said that he himself will call her once getting free. Regarding her so she herself was taking much load . Shehbaaz and Rita tried to light her mood but she said that this is what she want to do for herself and for him as well

She was the reason of his loss before so now she want him to get his old position back. Rita maa and Shehbaaz never let her skip meals so she herself eat when it's lunch time. She is now habitual of eating food made by Rita maa. She help her in every possible way but she don't like her own food.

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