21: I want peace of mind

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After having breakfast Shehnaaz came inside room to see him working on his laptop. His hairs looked messy like someone kissed him but how? She then noticed that his hairs are wet when she went close towards him

"W...what happened?", Asked Shehnaaz and looked down whereas Sidharth looked towards her being confused he don't know why she is asking this question when nothing happened

"To whom? ", He asked from Shehnaaz who pointed towards his hairs. He touched his hairs and guessed it why she asked this question from him. No matter what she did he can't lie to her so he replied

" I applied oil in my hairs that's why these are looking wet. This oil is not sticky so it feel like I just washed my hairs", he replied and cleared her confusion. Shehnaaz nodded and went towards cupboard to take her dress out for office . She thought to ask him which dress she should wear so she pulled three dresses out and placed on bed

"Which one should I wear?", Asked Shehnaaz. Sidharth looked towards her and then again started working on laptop. Shehnaaz felt pang in her heart when he ignored her voice

"S.. Sidharth.. can you tell me?", Asked Shehnaaz as a  light whisper. Sidharth closed his laptop and looked towards Shehnaaz

"Like you will wear what I will suggest. Anyways I don't want to waste my time I am getting late. You are not in a fashion show so just wear whatever you want to", he said in cold voice. He noticed Shehnaaz dull face which sent pain in his heart but before he suggested her few dresses which were ignored by her because those were not of her choice.

Flashback start

"Hey morning Shehnaaz", whispered Sidharth and backhugged her . Shehnaaz placed her head on his shoulder and said

"Morning Sidharth. Now move because I want to get ready", said Shehnaaz and pushed him lightly but Sidharth was in no mood so he pinned her to cupboard and rubbed their cheeks

"S.. Sidharth I am getting late", whispered Shehnaaz. Sidharth smirked because his houch affected her so he leaned more close towards her face. Shehnaaz closed her eyes tightly and holded door of cupboard. She started breathing heavily which was noticed by Sidharth who smiled and kissed her cheek

"So let me help you. Ummm this will look best wear this", said Sidharth with a smile after taking one green suit out

"I am going downstairs. Come soon", he said and left from there. After sometime he noticed that she is wearing Navy Blue coloured suit but not the one he said this hurt him but he stayed quiet as his parents were standing in hall

Flashback end

"Remember our last close moment before we parted? That day I asked you to wear a dress but did you? Huhh why you will wear the one I choosed as I was your husband just for revenge",he taunted and moved to go from there when Shehnaaz blocked his way

"There was a reason Sidharth which I was unable to..", Shehnaaz tried explaining him when he showed his hand to her

"I don't want to hear anything now. You could have explained that time but you didn't because for you I was just a toy. I always thought that I was making mistakes but never realised that I already did by marrying you",he taunted again and left from there after pushing her aside lightly. Shehnaaz looked down with tears

"I also enjoyed that moment Sidharth but... That dress was torned.. and before that I was jealous.. I thought you actually kissed someone", whispered Shehnaaz with tears . She choosed one random dress for herself and went to change

Sidharth ran downstairs with his laptop and noticed his mother reading newspaper. He hugged his mother saying

"Mom you are ruining me by bringing her here. Do you think I'm happy? Those old memories are hurting me mom. I missed her but she is scratching old wounds. I can't bear another heartbreak mom. Sorry but I will not let her change my decision",he said to his mother in low voice. Rita looked down in shame and ruffled his hairs

"Son it's your life but you have to go through legal process right? So wait for sometime", Rita said in soft voice

"Mom 5 and a half month is huge I can't see her face daily. You can live with her I am going on buisness trip", he said shocking Rita and Shehnaaz as well who came downstairs after getting ready

"Um...m it's because of me only na so... So don't worry .... If you want I can leave this house", Shehnaaz said in low voice. She masked her emotions and tried to look normal in front of them when his words hurt her. She took this decision with much difficulty and prayed to God that he will deny but her hopes were crushed when he said

"Mom some people don't know how to take care of themselves so how they will manage alone? But if she want then she can but still I will enjoy my trip as I am independent guy", taunted Sidharth because he is loosing in front of her which is not acceptable for him. Yes he said that he don't want to see her face but his heart want to see her daily even if she don't like him.

"Like I lived before... Alone if you remember... But Sidharth please don't go. Stay here or if not then can I come with you? ",Asked Shehnaaz and placed her hand on his which was on table. Sidharth didn't said anything as he was thinking about her first line "like I lived before"

"Is there something which he don't know? ",He thought but then he recalled her whole sentence

"I am going there to get peace of mind",he said and tried taking his hand back but Shehnaaz holded him more tightly. Even he didn't tried because he don't want to fight with her that much. Fights in married life used to scare him but now his married life is full of fights which broke his heart

He don't want to stretch matter so he stayed like he was. In thid way his mother will also see that he is giving her time to say her side. That is the main reason he said that he want to get peace of mind when he wanted to stay away from her. He know if he will say this she will definitely cry to he choosed to tell her indirectly that he want peace

"You will get that it's my promise. I will make you smile everyday", said Shehnaaz. Sidharth sadly chuckled and looked towards thier interwined fingers which he don't know when she interwined them

"Don't make promises which you can't complete. See Shehnaaz I don't want to fight more please give me space. Or else I don't know what I will do in anger",he said and took his hand back. Her soft touch did calmed him but not much as his wounds are still fresh. He think that she is here for a reason

He can't let her live somewhere else because he is scared. What if she tried taking her life because of his words? What if she lost hopes from her life?

He thought and opened his eyes with a jerk. He noticed that his mother left and only Shehnaaz was there. He sighed in relief when he found her alive but his heart is still beating very fast because of flashback of that day when she tried to attempt suicide

"I will not break any promise this time you can test me. Regarding your anger so.. I can bear that . You are my husband so it's my duty to support you", Shehnaaz whispered and snaked her hands on his neck. Sidharth closed his eyes and tried pushing her away lightly but Shehnaaz didn't let him do anything. She understood already that her closeness his his biggest weakness so she came close towards his cheeks and kissed him

Sidharth did't dared to open his eyes as he thought it's a dream which he want to enjoy. In reality Shehnaaz don't like him so she will never do such. He started breathing heavily with closed eyes

"Why this dream is not breaking? Like old ones? As in reality you hate me na", he asked from Shehnaaz who stopped moving further hearing his question. Did she broke his dreams that much? He is still a gentleman with her when she broke him why?

"I don't hate you Sidharth instead I lov..", Shehnaaz tried confessing when he pushed her

"Don't you dare. You don't love me. Don't use this word to get my forgiveness", shouted Sidharth and left from there.


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