19 : anime weeb

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creativegirl121 i don't know much about anime so sorry if this is off. and sorry it took so long baby

this is no season, this is before everything went to shit

"What did you do before you moved here?" Daryl mumbles. Then again everything he said was a mumble, and at this point Y/N was used to it. And they were used to how hotheaded he could be and how obnoxious he could be as well. But in the end it was a part of Daryl, and they loved him for that.

The two sit on the couch, finally having a free day off from work at the same time. They're at either end of the couch but Y/N has their feet laid on top of Daryl's legs, wanting at least to be touching him but not wanting to bombard his bubble.

With the question in mind, Y/N shrugs, finding it hard to remember a time without Daryl, despite only moving in with him a few months ago. They try nevertheless to remember, and in the end only three things come to mind. "Worked as a bartender before moving here and meeting you. Other than that I'd usually just watched anime or slept." Their words make them pause, Daryl looking at them with a raised brow. "God my life sucked," Y/N states, a chuckle following.

"What's anime?" Daryl asks.

"You know what a cartoon show is?" He nods his head. "We'll think of that but it's made in Japan and it's in Japanese."

"How do you understand what they're saying?"

"Subtitles. Sometimes they dub the voices so the characters speak English, though." He nods his head quietly, letting the new knowledge sink in.

"What did you watch?" Y/N takes a moment to respond, doing their best to remember the shows they used to watch.

"Bleach, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Toradora, Naruto. Those were the main ones I had watched. I remember starting a few other animes but kinda stopped after a while."

"How come?"

"Didn't have the time," they shrug. "I mean I'm working a lot more hours and whenever I have free time I just want to be with you, so-" they shrug once more, looking at the random nonsense on the television screen. Daryl watched silently as well, an idea slowly forming in his head.

The next time they have a free day at the same time was in about two weeks. So whenever Daryl got the chance he would look for anime DVDs wherever he could find them. He was never completely sure so he bought as many as he could. And then when that free day finally came, he woke up earlier than usual to get everything set up. He brought out lots of candy and sweets and all the DVDs he bought and placed it all in the living room before making some popcorn. As he was waiting for it to finish, he heard a quiet groan from behind. It makes him turn around, seeing Y/N standing in their pajamas, rubbing their eyes tiredly.

"Daryl? What's all this stuff?" A soft smile for main his face, moving forward to hold their hand gently.

"I figured you could show me what anime is, if that's alright." His response seems to wake Y/N up, a tired yet excited smile forming on their lips, moving to look at all the DVDs he bought with glee.

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