14 : love

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Sorry this took so long MelissaDavis089

Norman Imagine

The number of insults thrown at (Y/N) after one damn photo. The sad thing is Norman didn't even use a photo of her face. It was just the two holding hands. Yet she's still given insults about what they believe (Y/N) looks like.

Her phone vibrates constantly, as she had logged into Norman's Instagram. After a while of staring at the insults though, she placed her phone on the bathroom counter.

She stares at her reflection for some time, the comments running through her mind while a brain pounds against her skull. She groans quietly, biting her lip at the headache she gave herself. Maybe she is all those things they said about her. Is (Y/N) just with Norman for the money?

"Baby!" Norman yells, closing the front door behind him. He repeats himself once more, getting silence again as a response. "(Y/N)? You okay?" His voice grows soft while fear begins to creep in his head. Walking through his apartment, Norman stands in front of the door to their shared bedroom. A shaky breath passes his lips, before he lets out a sigh as her voice rings out.

"Bathroom." It took so much energy for that one word to pass her lips as her eyes burn holes in the mirror. The door opens with a loud bang, Norman coming in the room with a look of happiness. It disappears when he sees the look on his girlfriend's face.

"What happened?" His voice is so soft (Y/N) barely heard it.

"You should find someone who isn't a gold digger." Her tone is sharp, similar to the tip of a sword.

"What are you talking about?"

"That's what your fans think I am after seeing my hand." (Y/N) can hear the pettiness in the sentence, but her voice gives off sarcasm and hurt. A dry chuckle passes her lips, but she doesn't turn to look at Norman, eyes looking at what could be fixed about her.

Norman doesn't speak. He only moves to where he's behind his girl. Slowly, his fingers graze over (Y/N)'s arms before wrapping around her waist. (Y/N) lets out a sigh of relief, loving the feeling of their bodies together. Another sound passes her lips as Norman hides his face in her neck, becoming drunk from her scent.

"You're mine, " he whispers. His warm breath against (Y/N)'s cold skin makes a shiver move down her spin. "You'll always be mine. Ignore the comments. I'll always love you."

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