12 : growing up (pt.1)

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In Alexandria

punkfairy94 Hope you like it.

"Carl!" (Y/N) exclaims, running up the stairs if their house, her 'brother' trying to lose her. "You're so dead!" she screams, only to be in front of a locked door. She slams her body against it, wanting to beat the living shi-

" What is going on here!?" The female turns on her heels, finding her 'mother and father' looking at her.

"Carl stole my bag. I need it for the run I'm going on with Daryl," she sighs, rubbing her face as a wave of tiredness hits her.

"I got it," Rick sighs, forcing (Y/N) to move, allowing him to talk to his son through the door.

At least a minute or two passes before Carl opens the door. He has a look of disappointment on his face, but still, hands Rick the bag, before closing the door shut again.


"What took you so long?"

"Blame Carl," (Y/N) sighs, taking the cigarette from Daryl's lips, placing it between her own. " He's been hanging onto me like a fuckin' baby." She takes in a heavy breath before letting it go, admiring the smoke escape her. Daryl can only look over, as he's the one driving.

"Maybe it's 'cause me and you keep leaving to go on runs," he suggests.

"We're scraping the bottom of the barrel for food. We need people to go out. I don't understand why he cares, anyhow. We're not related. You guys have only known me for a few years." As (Y/N) goes to take another breath of smoke, Daryl takes the stick from her, placing it between his own again. She gives a look of annoyance, head tilted as she looks at him. "Really?" she raises a brow at him.

"Ain't you supposed to respect me since I'm older?" he wonders, raising a brow of his own, chucking the lit bud out the window.

"Fine... Grandpa," she mumbles the last part, leaning back in her seat. Daryl chuckles, shaking his head silently.

"Should I call you a baby then?"

"I am not that young." (Y/N) turns serious within a moment, hating to be called a child or a baby. "I'm 22 now damn it. Treat me like a damn adult."

 And I'm 43. And we just passed a tree. Should I keep pointing out obvious things?"

"Oh fuck you."

"Didn't you tell me to fuck you when you were drunk-"

"Don't start. Just forget it." (Y/N) lets out a heavy breath, an ache in her head forming. She leans over, rubbing her head softly. Moments pass before the car stops abruptly before it's placed in park. It makes her look up, confused about what's happening.

"Did you or did not say that to me?" Daryl questions again, turning his full attention to her.

"Will you just drive?"

"Not until you answer. It seems like times I've seen you 'drunk' you have been wanting to get with me. At the parties, when we drink n' talk, hell, even when me n' you had moonshine! So what's up with that?!"

"Because it's easier to be around you when I'm drunk, okay?!"

"And why's that?!"

"Because it numbs all the feeling I have for you!"

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