11 : better

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Norman Reedus Imagine

"Please, please, please, please?!"

"Will you stop begging?!" (Y/N) exclaims, rolling her eyes playfully. "Yes, we can go. Jesus, Norman," she sighs, not really knowing how going to Dave and Buster's is that entertaining as she turns into the parking lot.

Before she's able to park the car properly, Norman jumps out like a child, sprinting towards the place. As (Y/N) places the car in park, she allows a heavy sigh to escape her lips, free hand going up to her head, rubbing her temple to numb the pain of the headache she has. Despite loving Norman with all her heart, somedays him acting like a child can take the energy from her.

"(Y/N), hurry up! The line is getting- hey are you okay?" Norman comes back, only for his enthusiasm to disappear, noticing the look on his girlfriend's face.

"Yeah!" she chuckles tiredly. "I just have a headache." Norman gives a barely noticeable smile, sitting back in the passenger seat. He closes the door behind him, before he grabs (Y/N)'s cheeks, forcing her to look at him. He allows a moment to pass before his lips begin to kiss every area on his face, giving extra love to the side of (Y/N)'s temples. It forces giggles from the latter, trying to push the male away.

"Feel better?" Norman grins, pulling away, however still having his hands on her cheeks. The best she could, (Y/N) nods her head, another giggle escaping her. " Good," he beams, placing a loud and sloppy kiss on (Y/N)'s lips. (Y/N) giggles loudly, it being muffled by Norman's lips. " Kiss me like you mean it!" Norman jokes, laughs escaping him as he does so.

He places his lips against hers once more, both taking it with more passion than before, it ending with Norman pulling at  (Y/N)'s bottom lip, forcing a groan from her lips. As he separates, a moment passes before music starts blasting from the inside of D&B, making Norman give a childish grin before exclaiming, "Let's go!"

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