Chapter 9

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I woke up to my belly gurgling. I felt heavy and lethargic, although I was now much less bloated than last night.

After all that food.

I'd eaten two bowls of spaghetti bolognese and then tucked into the leftovers from lunch. I couldn't resist. Tim was incredible at all things cooking and baking. My mouth waters at the thought.

I feel so strongly for Tim. He is my ideal match. I hope for more days like yesterday. I feel a bit nervous about gaining weight. What would my family think? I'm lucky that they live in another town. I really don't want the pressure of watching my weight. This is something I really want.

I pull myself out of bed and head to my kitchen. I open the pantry, in search of cereal.

As I'm pouring the milk into my bowl, I buzz sounds out from my phone.

Tim: Breakfast booked for 10am :)

He then sends an address. Damn, I'd just poured milk into my cereal. I didn't want it to go to waste. I still have an hour before I had to be there.

I finish my cereal and make my way back to me room to find an outfit. It looked like a warm sunny day today. I tugged my denim shorts on.

I needed some new clothes...

They fit, but only just. If they were any smaller they'd probably not complement my waist.

I pull on a large white t-shirt and tie the bottom of it into a knot, so that it looked as if I had some sort of figure. I then slip some shoes on and head out the door.

I follow my phone to the address down by the water front. It wasn't too far from Tim's house. I wander slowly, my stomach a bit bloated from my breakfast. I hoped I'd be hungry again by the time I get to this cafe. I didn't want to disappoint Tim in anyway.

As I near the address, I see Tim waiting outside for me.

"Hey," he smiles and pulls me in for a hug.

"Hi," I feel my nerves returning a bit.

"C'mon, our table is round the front," he takes my hand.

I let him lead me towards the beach. Around the corner, the cafe has a large deck with many tables set up. We take a seat at one. A waiter brings us two menus.

Eggs, rolls, burgers. It all looked so good.

"Order whatever you wish. It's on me," Tim says and I look up from scanning my menu.

"Oh, are you sure?" I ask.

"Of course. Don't look at the price," he winks and I blush. He's so generous.

I continue looking at all the options. It's hard to choose but I end up ordering a beef burger and a side of fries. Tim gets a poached egg dish.

We chat as we wait for our food and I end up telling Tim about my situation last night.

"You finished it all already?" He refers to the leftovers from yesterday's lunch, shocked.

I nod humbly. "Yeah, I didn't mean to. But your cooking is incredibly good."

"Well I'm really glad you enjoyed the food," he states, still a little surprised.

A.N: Sorry for the delay guys. I haven't been so active on Wattpad recently. Life gets in the way sometimes. I hope everyone is doing well. Let me know if you've got any suggestions for this story, and vote/comment if you are enjoying it :)

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