Chapter 10

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The waiter returns with our dishes and sets them in front of us.

My burger smells divine. Any feeling of fullness from my first breakfast is forgotten. My mouth is watering.

"That's a big burger," Tim comments and I see what he's talking about.

"It is. I maybe shouldn't have gotten the fries. Sorry," I tell him.

"It's no problem, Emily. Eat what you want. We're in no rush."

I smile at this and tuck into my burger. I close my eyes and appreciate my first bite. It tastes as good as it looks.

I have to slow down when I realise I'm eating kind of fast. I was going to be full soon. I look up briefly to see Tim with a drinks menu in-hand.

"They do a chocolate caramel milkshake," he says, making eye contact with me. I nod, perhaps a little too eagerly. That sounds delicious.

He smiles out of humor and calls the waiter over. I resume eating my burger as he orders two milkshakes.

We are both nearly finished our food as the milkshakes are placed on our table. The glasses are larger than I excepted. I hoped I had room.

I pop the remainder of my burger into my mouth and pull my milkshake towards me. I wash my burger down with a large sip. It's heavenly. Tim also takes a sip of his.

I snack on my fries and milkshake as Tim sets down his cutlery.

"I think I'm good," he leans back in his seat, indicating he's finished.

"Sorry, we can go now if you want," I tell him, feeling a bit awkward about not having finished.

"Hey, no, I've got all day to sit here with you," his warm smile tempts me into reaching for another fry.

I smile back and we continue to chat as I eat.

Beneath the table, my jean shorts are causing me discomfort. As much as I'd like to unbutton them or take them off, we are out in public. I ignore the pressure against my waistband and sip at my shake. I can't believe I've had nearly half of it already.

Tim is telling me about all the cool features his boat has.

"Maybe on the weekend you'd like to come out with me on it? We can bring a picnic and snacks," he suggests.

"I'd really love that," I grin.

There's not many fries left so I pick up the rest and stuff them in my mouth, holding eye contact with Tim. I have to use my hand to push them in.

"Emily," a new daring expression surfaces on his face and he turns away briefly.

Is he turned on?

A mischievous smile plays on my lips as I chew the mass of fries. He watches me as I reach for my milkshake, remove the straw and tip a large gulp back and swallow it down with the fries.

"That was hot."

I feel myself blush at his words. I was certainly beginning to understand this whole thing a bit more. I like that I can make him feel that way.

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