Chapter 20

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Tim had just messaged me to tell me that he was on his way home. I think I ate and slept the whole weekend...

I still hadn't tried all the food. It was too much. I'd eaten a large portion of it. Cake, lasagne, ice cream, soda, shakes.

This morning I'd had more cake and a few muffins and a large shake. It was now the afternoon and my stomach groaned in protest as I snacked on cookies, biscuits and chips as I watched a TV series. Beside me I had an empty bottle of soda and a half-finished one. Letting out a burp, I sucked in my stomach, in attempt to button up my jeans. I tried twice. But while sitting down, I could tell this wasn't going to work. Huffing a breath, I stood up and zipped them up. I looked down at my sides to see newly-forming pockets of fat bulging over the waistband. I hadn't worn these jeans in a while...

With Tim being home this evening, I felt a bit flustered. I looked like a mess. A bloated, hungry mess. My tight waistband caused pressure against my belly and I burped again.

As I walked towards the kitchen, my thighs rubbed together. My belly was also uncomfortable but I needed to tidy up a bit and look presentable for Tim.

I began to tidy the kitchen a bit, moving some plates and cups to the dishwasher. I'd kept the place rather tidy, despite my relationship with food this weekend.

I couldn't resist cutting myself another slice of the richly-iced strawberry vanilla cake I'd left sitting on the counter. I ate it as I tidied a few more things in the kitchen. I ran the dishwasher before helping myself to another slice. Despite my discomfort, I really wanted another piece.

After filling myself with cake, I decided to lounge around a little longer as I anticipated Tim's arrival. As I sat back on the couch, my belly forced against my waistband. I was really gaining some weight...

I left my pants zipped up, knowing that if I undid them it would be another battle to do them up again. I chugged some of the remaining soda and let out a deep burp, which provided some relief. Craving more of the sweet sugary liquid, I gulped some more down. I instantly regretted it, as I felt my stomach press harder into my pants. I decided to stand up, and took yet another series of large sips, finishing off the bottle. I laid a hand on my bloated belly, which felt like a rock beneath my fingers. Standing certainly felt better than sitting.

As I bring the empty bottles to the kitchen, the front door clicks.

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