Chapter 17

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"I'll be away for three days," Tim explains to me over the phone as I lean against my kitchen counter. "Would you like to come round tomorrow morning before I leave?" He asks.

"Yes, I'll see you then," I answer. I haven't seen him for a couple days as he's been busy at the marina. I feel giddy at the thought of seeing him tomorrow.

We hang up and I turn to my not-so-secret junk food stash. After spending all this time with Tim, I've really started to notice an increase in my appetite. Yesterday I visited the supermarket while hungry and ended up buying all sorts of bad food.

I look at the various chocolate biscuits, chips, and sodas on my counter in defeat. I was even too lazy to hide it in my cupboard yesterday. I let out an audible huff and proceed to stack the remaining sodas into my fridge. I'd already had some of this stuff both yesterday and earlier today but there was still a lot left. Why did I buy so much?

Although I'd been snacking for almost the whole day, I'd caved in and ordered take-out. So that was on its way too. Gosh. I look downwards at my slightly bloated stomach pressing through my top. It felt so good to eat whatever I wanted, but it came at a cost sometimes: an achy belly.

I made my way back over to the pile of cookies, biscuits and chips still sitting on my counter. As I began to sort them out into my cupboards, I couldn't resist opening a packet of chocolate coated biscuits and placing one in my mouth. I nearly moaned at its sweet taste as I bite into it. As I put away the rest of the food, I grabbed a few more biscuits.

I'm about to reach for my fifth when the door bell interrupts me. Licking my fingers, I head to my front door and collect my order. I look at the size of the bag. Maybe I ordered too much?

I take the bag and rest of the biscuits to my sofa and switch the TV on. I select a movie and pull out my two large burgers, large fries, and fried chicken, a large coke, and chocolate pudding from the bag. There is no way I'll be able to eat all this...

Nevertheless I dig in, starting with one of the burgers. I mindlessly eat while I'm drawn into the romantic comedy on my screen.

It's not very long before I'm feeling extra stuffed. I wish Tim was here to feed me. I miss the feeling of his hand on my stomach. I continue to sleepily watch the movie and eat, thinking dreamily of Tim. I attempt to wipe the grease from my mouth  left by the fried chicken. I slide the waistband of my pants down, releasing the recently-growing pudge at the bottom of my belly. It aches from the movement and I give it a gentle rub while I grab some more fries. My eyes eventually flutter shut and I fall into a heavy, heavy sleep.

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