Chapter 4

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I finished my bowl of ice cream and stood up. My stomach felt bloated. Oh no.

As Tim pushed his chair in, he glanced over at me. I think he looked at my stomach. But he didn't say anything. Phew. Maybe he didn't notice. Although, I'm certain this dress is no longer doing me any justice.

"Take off your shoes," Tims warm voice pulls me from my thoughts.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"Let's go walk on the beach."

I removed my boots and placed them beside the glass sliding door. He opened it and I followed him outside to the sand. Though the sun was now gone, the ground was still warm. My feet sunk into the sand with each step. It was darker out here, so I could hide my figure.

Tim took my hand in his and we wandered along the beach as we talked. I really felt something for him. He was kind, sensitive, smart, and when you least expected it, funny. I felt a romantic and genuine connection. I felt my confidence grow.

As we were walking back, the moon appeared from behind a cloud. "Woah look at that," I pointed it out.

"Come here," Tim gestured, turning me around so my back was against him. His hands wrapped around my abdomen and I instinctively sucked my stomach in. Oh no. He can literally feel my belly.

"Hey, no needs to suck in."

Tim's words caught me completely off guard.

"Oh, umm.." I hesitantly let my stomach be. It still felt quite bloated, as it pushed against his arms.

"You're beautiful," his lips grazed my ear. "Did you enjoy your dinner?"

"Yes, thank you," I answer. "It was incredible"

"I'd like to cook for you again." Tim states, pulling me in closer. The extra pressure applied on my stomach causes a large burp to erupt from within me.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, that's-" words flail out of my mouth before he cuts me off.

"It's perfectly fine," he reassures me, to my surprise. "You ate quite a bit didn't you, Emily?" His voice is nearly teasing.

Tim places one hand on my hip while the other begins to rub soft circles on my stuffed belly. It seemed weird and I nearly told him to stop, but I realised that I'm, in fact, enjoying it. I relax beneath his touch.

"I'm sorry," I don't know why I'm apologising, I just feel a little awkward. Does he like my stomach?

"Emily, I don't mind that you have a big appetite. You ate more than me after all." He reassures me again.

I did? Damn. I'm really not helping myself.

"It's just..." I begin, a little unsure on how to go about this conversation, "I got a bit lazy over the lockdown period. I was eating a lot of junk food and it hasn't done me any good obviously," I gesture towards the slight bump pressing against my dress, "and I'm a bit self conscious about it." I admit.

I'd only just met Tim, but I felt like he truly understood how I was feeling. I feel as though I could tell him anything.

"If one thing's for sure, you don't need to be self conscious around me. If I'm being completely honest with you, I think it's cute." He admits.

I smile, taking comfort in his response. I hadn't met someone like him before.

"Now," he takes my hand, " would you like to watch a move with me?"

I nod, "I'm good at watching movies. I've been watching them all lockdown."

Tim chuckles, "haha, c'mon then."

AN: Please vote if you're enjoying this story so far! I'm trying to make it as realistic as possible by basing it off of my own weight gain experience :)

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