Chapter 2

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Tim and I had arranged our date for Friday evening. It was currently Thursday morning and I was at the shopping mall. The quarantine had been lifted over night and so I decided I'd spend today finding something nice to wear for the date. I'd tried on two dresses so far, but the slight lump of my belly was visible in them.

I browsed through another rack of clothing. This was so difficult. I'm glad I've set a whole day aside for this.

I began searching through the next rack, pausing when I found some flow-y crimson fabric. This had to be the one. I snatched it from the rack and headed back to the changing rooms.

I slid the dress on and observed myself in the mirror. I smiled.

This is the one.

It wasn't as fitted at the previous dresses I'd tried. The fabric covered my stomach lightly, concealing the slight bludge. It would be even better paired with a jacket overtop.

My phone vibrated from my jeans that were laid on the stool next to me.

Tim: Hey Emily ;)

Me: What's up?

Tim: I just wanted you to know that I'm looking forward to our date tomorrow. I'm excited to meet your beautiful face.

I felt giddy inside.

Me: I'm looking forward to it too :)

I changed, took the dress to the counter and paid. I'm so happy with it.

Before I exited the mall, I passed the food court. I felt a little hungry so I decided to treat myself just this once. Planning this date and finding this dress were victories. Plus, it had been so long since I'd eaten out because of the lockdown. I ordered a Big Mac and wedges from McDonalds and two donuts from the neighbouring stall. After I received my food, I sat down at a table. I ate my burger, savouring each bite, but it was gone all too soon. I ate my wedges too. Excited for the donuts, I started eating one of them. It was quite filling so I decided to save the second one for later. Feeling a little full, I made my way to the carpark. From now I'll try to lose this bit of weight.

Emily's Weight Where stories live. Discover now