Chapter 12

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We pull away and we are both smiling like children. That kiss was awesome. Before he knows what's happening, I take hold of his jaw and reconnect with his lips once more.

I try to turn more towards him, but the centre console presses into my belly and I'm forced to break the kiss.

"Sorry, leaning forward isn't so comfortable," I tell him. He doesn't seem to mind at all.

"That was amazing." He simply states before stating the car.

• • •

It's now midday and I've been with Tim since our breakfast.


I look up to see Tim standing in front of me.

"Uh, I'm sorry. I zoned out," I admitted guiltily.

I was still thinking about our kiss. Something about feeling hindered by my bloated bulge while trying to kiss Tim challenged me. It felt good.

"Let me know when you're hungry."

He runs a hand through my long hair. We were sitting together on the couch, just talking. When I hear his words, I begin to think about food. He leans in closer and speaks again, when I don't say anything.

"What are you feeling like?" He asked me softly.

I push away my thoughts. "It's okay, really. I don't mean—" I start but he cuts me off.

"Emily, it is completely my pleasure." He reassured me, trying to persuade me that it's no trouble.

"Are you—"

"I'm sure. I know it's early days, but I will go to any length to take care of you. Please tell me what you want," he says, his words sincere.

"Okay," I give in. "I'm kind of... craving cake." I tell him quietly.

"Of course," he jumps up from the couch and my gaze follows him to the kitchen.

"This was meant to be for dessert tonight, but I suppose you can have some for lunch," he teases, as he prepares some slices on a plate.

"We can save it for tonight, it's—" but yet again I'm cut off.

"If you want to have it now then I want you to have it now," he assured me, walking back to the couch with a large plate in-hand.

Chocolate cake. My mouth waters.

"Did you make it?" I ask him and Tim nods. Everything he makes looks restaurant quality.

"I did, and I hope you enjoy it."

He holds the plate out towards me and I take a piece without hesitation. I take a bite and discover its perfect taste and texture. Rich but not dry, with sweet, thick frosting. God, this was incredible.

I moan in delight.

Tim laughs and I'm pulled back into reality, embarrassed I had made a sound. "Sorry," I say. "It's just really really good."

"That's quite alright," he leans forward and kisses my forehead. I hide my smile behind my slice of cake.

"Take your time. It's quite rich."

I look up at him and nod before taking another bite.

We sit in comfortable silence as I enjoy the chocolate-y goodness. I glance over at Tim as I pick up my third slice. He watches as I take a large bite. I liked him observing me eating. It assured me, for lack of better description. It gave it more purpose—I was not only eating for myself, but for him as well.

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