Chapter 14

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As Tim picks up the final slice, I tip my bottle up and swallow down the remaining beer. I turn to place the empty bottle on the table but the motion causes a large burp to erupt from the pit of my stomach. *Uurrrpp!*

"I'm s-so sorry," I trip over my words.

"It's alright," Tim soothes. "You've had a lot. Are you sure you want this." He holds up the slice.

Despite being rather full, my mouth starts watering at the sight of it. It was so delicious, I'm sure I could fit another piece.

"I want you to earn this," he says playfully, removing the slice from my face.

"Tim," I pout up at him, but he only smiles seductively.

I huff and sit up, as uncomfortable as it was with my belly bloated from the beer. I reach for another beer and unscrew the cap. If I can't have my cake then I'll have some more beer. I recline and take several gulps, until another burp starts to form. It surfaces quickly and forces its way out.

"Now I'm really full, Tim," I tell him, my brows knitted. "Can I please have it."

"I was referring to a kiss, but that will definitely do," he hands me the slice, but as he does, another expression crosses his face. "Are you okay with this?"

I can understand why he was wary. Today had been quite the advancement in our relationship.

"Yes," I nod. "I really want to do this. It turns me on a little, if I'm honest..."

Yep, I was definitely tipsy.

Tim looks a bit surprised but also relieved. "I'm glad," he smiles.

I sit up a little, and take ahold of Tim's hand. I bring the slice of delicious cake to my lips as I move his hand onto my stomach.

"Emily..." he breathes into my neck.

I take a big mouthful of cake and Tim begins to rub gentle circles on my belly. We stay like this, me stuffing myself with the last piece, and Tim kissing my neck occasionally. He held my beer in his other hand, offering me sips between mouthfuls. It felt so good to be in his arms.

"I'm sleepy," I say, putting the final bite of cake into my mouth.

"I got you," Tim speaks softly.

I shut my eyes and I feel him pick me up and carry me away from the lounge.

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