Chapter 22

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The zip stops halfway. I consider suggesting we swap these shorts for other pants but that feels like cheating. I did this to myself and so I must bare the consequences.

"You might need to get up."

I try to sit up and lean forward to stand up off the bed with my pants half-zipped. A burp erupts from my throat at the pressure.

"Now breathe in again," Tim pulls at the zip once more and it goes up. "There we go." He buttons my shorts, adding additional pressure on my belly. I moan at the feeling, and help him tug the shorts up further, squeezing more of my distended fat into the unforgiving fabric.

I lay down on the bed and wait as Tim packs us some things.

"Where are we going?" I try asking again.

"It's still a surprise," he chuckles. "But you will love it."

"Is there food there?" I question, a hand on my stomach which was beginning to settle within its new confinements.

"Of course," he winks. "Let's go."

He helps me up and we leave the house. My belly groans as I sit in his car. I try to shift in my shorts, but my waistband has full control over me. I give up and sit back.

"Ready?" Tim starts the car and turns to me. He lays a hand on my stomach and I push into his touch.

I nod and we drive off.

"Don't worry, it's only a short trip," he says and I relax slightly. He seems to sense my discomfort. Not that it's anyone's fault but mine... I try to sit up straighter, fighting my state. The pressure is too much and I breathe out. A burp escapes and Tim rubs my belly with one hand still on the wheel, as I adjust my seatbelt.

I'm only a few minutes we reach the dock. The sun is heading towards the horizon over the masts of the many boats tied to the jetties.

"We're going on a boat?" I say excitedly.

"Maybe," Tim teases.

We get out of the parked car and I follow Tim down one of the eight jetties. We walk right to the end, which is not very far, but I'm a little hot and bothered trying to keep up with Tim's stride.

"Here we are," he turns to me.

I stare at the white forty-foot yacht nodding up and down in the water before me.

"Wow," my mouth hangs open in awe.

"I know. And it's all ours for the next two days," Tim offers me a hand and leads me onboard, helping me up onto the back of the boat.

I feel giddy with excitement.

"Here," Time gestures for me to move closer to him. He unzips my shorts, relieving my belly. My waistband has imprinted itself in my fat. I take a seat next to Tim, finally able to relax. I begin to feel sleepy as he starts the boat and we make our way across the water.

I'm nearly asleep when Tim stops the boat and I sit up.

"It's nearly time for dinner. You sleep, Emily. I will wake you when it's ready," he informs me.

I nod sleepily. I cannot wait for Tim's cooking. I really missed it. The more I think about it, the more my mouth waters. I'm wide awake now, but I remain laying down and let my belly settle further. I need room.

Feeling warm, I take my top off. Out here, nobody can see me, except for Tim.

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