Chapter 6

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I left Tim's house feeling confident and positive. And also very stuffed. He invited me for lunch tomorrow and I already can't wait.

I made my way back home. I lived only a few streets away. As I walked, I pondered over my experience with Tim tonight. I can tell he really cares for me and I definitely have feelings for him. I looked down at the bump pressing against my dress. It felt kind of nice to be full and satisfied. Perhaps that's why I ate a lot over the quarantine period. I'm glad that Tim is okay with it, and even likes it. I was a bit too shy on the topic to question him further about it. But if he liked to see me eat, then so be it. I love to eat. I found an immense amount of comfort in him feeding me that ice cream. I hadn't felt like this about a guy before.

When I reached the hill, I walked slowly to avoid getting a stitch. At the top, I found the little blue house I rented and stuck my key in the door handle. I changed out of my dress, plonked down on my bed and relived the events of tonight once more in my head before. My stomach was still full so I began to rub it. I played with my belly's slight overhang before drifting off to sleep.

• • •

It was nearly time to head to Tim's house for lunch. I was feeling a little nervous about eating. When I woke up this morning, my belly felt really empty so I ended up having a reasonably big breakfast. I still felt a little full from that.

Today I'd chosen to wear a pair of light blue skinny jeans and a white blouse. Casual but neat.

I made my way down the hill towards the coastline. When I got to Tim's place he greeted me at the door. He too was wearing jeans and a button-up. On the dining table was an array of foods. My gaze darts around each plate while time retrieves something from the fridge. There's strawberries, sweets, muffins and a large pasta dish.

"And I also got this," Tim says, placing a couple of bottles of coke on the table.

"How'd you guess that coke was my favourite drink?" I ask him.

"It is?" He questions and I nod. "Lucky guess then!"

"This all looks delicious," I comment.

"Shall we?" Tim pulls out a chair for me and I sit down.

"You look gorgeous today by the way," he says as he takes his seat.

I blush. "Thank you."

He pours me a tall glass of coke. And I begin filling my plate with the tasty food. I took two muffins and immediately regretted it when I brought them closer. They were quite big and my plate was already full. As I start eating the pasta, I look over at Tim's plate. He didn't have as much as I did. "Sorry, this all just looks so good." I tell him.

"Thanks. That's alright, have as much as you would like." He tells me, putting me at ease. I relax and take a bite of the chocolate muffin. It had a creamy filling that caught me off guard and I moaned. "Sorry," I laugh, "this is super good." He laughs with me.

"You're really cute, Emily."

I blush once again.

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