Chapter 19 - nothing happened, did it?

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Last night was not pretty. Dappz just got hammered there was no alcohol left in the house... We had red bull and capri suns so me and faze had them!

I think dappy had cried all night and he had been on the phone to Kaye for most of it too. I couldn't bare to see him like that. He was like my brother and no matter how many scraps we had he was blood.

I went in his room in the night around 3am I think and just cuddled him, we were both wide awake. I don't really know why I was still awake but I knew why dappy was so for me that was enough.

It's Friday.

I had a bit of a lie in so it was about 4pm when I got up. Faze got up a long time before though.

Faze: morning you or should I say afternoon

You should have woke me babe

Faze: *kisses me on the cheek* you were up half the night comforting dappy. I don't know how you do it, you have all these troubles of your own and you still help others before yourself.

It's because I have a boyfriend who I can tell anything. I guess it's my maternal instincts!

Faze: awww T stop it! but you never even cry I've only seen you cry once in the studio

Well you don't cry if your happy do you!

Faze: no I guess you don't, now come give me a hug

You big softie

Faze: you want one too don't deny it...

We had a long hug and typical fazer burnt my toast but never mind!

I loved Fridays, loved being the operative word because of tonight. This was the only friday i had never looked forward to.

Our single was being released on Sunday which with a bit if luck would go to number 1 or at least top 5.

Time just seemed to fly by I couldn't believe it before I knew it I was in my dress waiting for Adam. Don't get me wrong it wasn't my best dress but it looked more convincing the fact we were 'going out'

*knock on the door*

Faze: you will text me Tommy's adress just incase

Course I will. You didn't even have to ask

Faze: I know I know, take care baby

He kissed me goodbye and that was it, I was out of the door walking to Adams car

I knew how much it hurt fazer to watch me walk away and do something like this but in my head I had to.

Adam: you look stunning T, I mean, wow, you've got a great...

*cutting him off* Thanks for the compliments and all but you don't need to say them

Adam: I wasn't saying it so it looked like you were my girlfriend were not at Tommy's yet. Can I not compliment a girl on her looks?

I know, your not that good an actor and not me you can't not unless tommy and Adam are there.

Adam: I'm sorry for being nice

Adam your never nice don't play that card

By now I had no idea where we were, I didn't recognize anything. It must have been near by because adam slowed down until we came to a stop.

It must only have been about 20minutes from fazer's and he would probably know it anyway.

I saw the street sign now all I needed was the number which I didnt see until we got to the door ... 23... Street I could remember that

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