Overgrown Garden

68 1 18

Credit to CuteCartoonLover06 for the idea

One spring morning, Ted found himself laying on his sofa staring miserably at the ceiling. The staff at Spottiswood are having a day off - which is well deserved after completing a bunch of orders for the nearby shops. It took longer then expected for Bertha to completely finish the orders but in the end it was worth it. The workers were looking forward to cleaning up the rooms in their houses and doing their own activities. Some were even going to visit family and friends. Everyone seemed to have something to do with their day.

Well everyone except Ted of course, who is still staring at the ceiling as if it was a tv screen. He couldn't find anything to entertain himself. He had tried reading but each page was lifeless and boring as the current atmosphere. Next, he tried looking through the three channels on his little box tv yet there is no Dr Who episodes airing at the moment. Then decided to do some painting but then he realised that he does not own any paints nor paintbrushes. Ted slapped one of the sofa's cushions on to his face in frustration. "Great. Now what?" Ted grumbled to no one, completely fed up. He rolled of the couch onto the ragged yet soft carpet below him and sluggishly went to the curtains that are covering the view outside. "Now why didn't I open them earlier?" Ted wondered, gently grabbing the fabric. He pulled the curtains to the side, revealing the morning light beaming down on his lovely ga- oh... that's why.

The garden was laid out rather awkwardly and scruffy as if it became a small jungle. The scrubs that lay around the perimeter along the ligneous line are untamed and the lawn itself was a quarter as tall as his back door! "Eh, how could I have ignored this? This will never do." muttered Ted. He was mortified that he had abandoned his own back garden, leaving it to rot. Now he knows what he must do today: work on his garden and make it neat and tidy. He'll need help though. It's best to ask for help when you don't know what to start with or if you have too much to do at once. Ted quickly made his way to the kitchen and picked up the telephone, speaking out each number he presses one by one.

Toot, toot, toot, toot.
"Come on," said Ted rather impatiently "Pick up the phone-"
"Hello?" the other end called back, rather groggy. Ted noticed that he's yawning too.
"Ah, hello Roy. Listen, I need your help- wait are you not well?"
"..No Ted, you have just woke me up..."
"What are you doing sleeping till ten in the morning? I know you like to sleep on your breaks but really!"
"I know, I was just bored. I have nothing to do since my parents are at work and my brother is at school. I thought I would spend the day by taking a nap."
"Ah, you're bored as well? Well that makes both of us then!"
"Ha, well I certainty didn't think I would be on my day off! So, why did you call me?"
"Well you see my garden is a right mess and I wondering if you would like to help me?"
"That's a jolly good idea! I shan't be long."

The pair agreed to the idea. Ted placed the corded phone back on the wall and grabbed and placed all the necessary equipment near the back door. He then sat on a chair in his kitchen, tapping his finger on the table with each ticking and tocking that is heard on the clock.
Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Knock. Tap. Knock. Tap. KNOCK.

Ted shifted his head towards the kitchen door. Someone is at the door. "That must be Roy." thought Ted, knowing how willing he is to do a job. He took his door keys and meandered over to the big front door of his house, knocking away his work shoes to the side. One of the keys on his key ring slide into the keyhole and turned clock wise, Ted removed the key and pulled the door handle. His young assistant was outside, a few spaces away whilst both his hands behind his back giving a bold yet shy posture. Ted wasn't used to seeing Roy without his work attire and Roy is not used to seeing Ted after work, making him tremble a bit. "Morning Roy." Ted called out, "...I take that you are nervous about meeting up aren't you?" Roy gave a small nod, "A bit...though I am excited to help you out!" he smiled. Ted grinned "Very well, let's get started!"

--Bertha Oneshots--Where stories live. Discover now