Bertha's Christmas Carol

46 2 5

Based on The Christmas Carol
Warning: Off screen death and some upsetting scenes
Merry Christmas to all my oneshot readers!🎄

It was Christmas time at Spottiswood and Company. Bertha had been busy making Christmas decorations: baubles, ornaments, tinsel, all things that gave off the magic of Christmas. The joy quickly spread around the factory as soon as the December month came around, and it is to soon be more merry tomorrow. Tomorrow was the last day for the staff before they take time off work to spend with their families. A special party was to be held, bringing joy in the factory.

Well, not everyone was feeling the festive spirit. The foreman, Mr Duncan, was tight fisted and strict, refusing to give in the warmth of other's generosity and kindness. Does he know he's acting so selfishly? Yes. It's always been like that in the festive season and the others question why he is so reluctant to celebrate. The foreman gave a glare at all the decorations being put up in the dispatch department. He kept making turns as he meandered, negatively writing something down on his clipboard. "Hmm, wasting the budget and wages on pointless decorations." he would say. "This will never do!"

"A very merry Christmas to you, Mr Duncan!" Panjit joyful cheered, lifting up the last of the decorations. The foreman took no notice of him and grumbled, "Humbug! What's so merry about putting up decorations during work hours? Time is money!" Panjit slowly started to frown. He climbed down from the ladder and shifted towards the foreman. "Do you not celebrate Christmas, Mr Duncan?" he asked. Mr Duncan turned to him in an iron-fisted way.

"I shall have you know that Christmas is a very busy time for this factory." he prompted, looking at his clipboard before meeting his eyes on the forklift driver again. "People buying gifts, receiving gifts, gifting gifts. We do our part in this festive season: package goods to be sent to the shops and receive money. Not decorating the factory in random sheets of paper and have some of them dangling on the walls!" Panjit didn't find that very merry at all. The foreman only gave him one command before leaving, "Take all of this down! And if you wish me a 'Merry Christmas' again, I will have you sorted out!"

On the factory floor, Bertha was in merry spirits as well. She only had one day to celebrate with her friends at Spottiswood, so she was the most excited about tomorrow's party. Beaming, she helped bring out the last of decorations on the conveyer belt (she even made extras for the factory). The staff followed along with Bertha's speed, instantly placing the tinsel along the walls and around the big machine. Soon, the place was looking like Father Christmas' factory and the workers started handing each other gifts when the order was finished. "Merry Christmas Mr Duncan!" grinned Roy, who was the first to spot the foreman. He handed him a red envelope. "I hope you like the card."

Mr Duncan took one glare at the young lad then at the envelope. He ripped it at the top and took out the paper card. It was just written in kindness with no money on the inside. Angrily, the foreman teared the handmade card in half and stomped on it, twisting his foot around to impale Balder with the festive spirit. Roy only watched him, shocked and upset. "...I made that myself.." Mr Duncan gave him eye contact and coldly called out, "Well, I would rather if you send me money then a piece of paper! Un-merry Christmas!"

One of the designers, Tracey, came down from the first floor carrying a container and the factory's robot, TOM. The robot had badly damaged his 'foot' and cannot wander around that much; which is why he currently supports himself with a wooden crutch. It is possible to repair the damaged part, but the replacement they need is expensive. The factory decided to organise a fund to donate for TOM's repair. Most of the workers generously placed a pound in the box, hoping they would soon be enough to buy what's needed. Most. "Mr Duncan, aren't you going to make a donation?" Tracey asked. But the foreman was hesitant, "TOM can manage fine with the crutch, can't he?"

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