Several Trials, More Errors

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OC and art by me
Warning: upsetting scenes

It is a busy day at Spottiswood and Company, and Bertha is making a rather large order of VHS tapes. So as you would expect in a factory, everyone was quick to get off their feet and hustle and bustle about with plastics and small parts to give to the big machine. Once one tape is tested for quality, Bertha can replicate that copy and make lots of them quickly.

Bertha liked the idea of making newer technology, despite herself not being a modern machine. She doesn't need to be, as she had proven time and time again that sometimes, old is better then new. Ted became impressed with her progress when she sent out the tapes on her delivery belt, "Bertha's working very hard on these tapes." he expressed, "It looks like the order will be finished on time. Good Ol' Bertha!" Though it wasn't her typical 'big order'; since the demand for these tapes is too big to contrast the time needed to make them.

Four months was the deadline.

A minimum of four months to complete the order.

Bertha secretly doesn't know how to handle all that extra pressure expected from her. She didn't want to let them down but at the same time she can't exhaust herself. Come on Bertha, don't disappoint them. Do what you're told. Don't complain. As soon as she made about a few boxes full, she lowered her right arm down to Roy's height. Roy only stared at her puzzled, until she held her palm open in front of him. Bertha closed her hand gently when the young lad placed his hand over the almost oily metal. From the slight tight grip and her tired expression, Roy knew what was wrong. "I think this order is too much for Bertha, Ted." he called out to the machine operator.

"Hmph," Mr Duncan grumbled, noticing the factory floor staff speaking about Bertha. "You should've used a more up to date machine. The ones that DON'T complain about how much work there is to do." Bertha flared her vents as she beeped something back to the foreman. "Calm down Bertha, don't listen to him. We all know you're trying your best." Ted assured. The big machine breathed in before letting it out. She wishes she could speak her thoughts freely like the rest, but she knows that they won't fully understand her when she speaks her technological language. On the other hand, it's hilarious because they never know what she's actually saying! Haha!

Meanwhile in the manager's office, a salesman came into the factory to sell his new product. He arrived with a fairly small briefcase containing documents and paperworks of his proud invention. The product itself was too massive to carry by hand so pictures were necessary to pinpoint its look and design. The salesman was comfortable at the office and didn't seem to be nervous at all to show it off - especially when he already knew that the factory already has one.

"...A new factory machine?" Mr Willmake repeated back to the salesman, "I'm sorry, but we already have Bertha and she's always been turning the goods out. We don't need a new machine." The salesman turned to the window facing down upon the big machine below. Bertha was back to making the tapes after having a little rest, smiling at the factory floor workers' kindness. Instead of noticing her hard work, he paid attention to her current state and laughed, "I don't mean to sound impolite but that old girl should've been in a museum by now!" he mockingly said before becoming professional again, "This new machine is up to date with the latest technology and can do the work in half the time. It even comes with special unique features that regular machines don't have!"

The manager took note of the advantages and the opportunity, but still had seconds thoughts. "..I suppose Bertha can be rather slow sometimes, but she's been in this factory since the very first order." he admitted. The salesman frowned, seeing how the manager was not going to take the offer easily with his affection towards a piece of machinery. "I'll tell you what I'll do." he finally suggested, hoping that this would change his mind. "I'll install this machine free of charge for one week so you can get to see her in action. If you like it, you'll buy it from me. If not, I'll uninstall the machine the same day. Do we have a deal?" He pulled out his hand for confirmation.

--Bertha Oneshots--Where stories live. Discover now