The Big Secret

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Slight references to Being Myself

It was a new day at Spottiswood and Company, and everyone was arriving at the factory to start their morning shift. TOM the robot wheeled in and sang his usual happy tune, tugging a few of the worker's clothes to get them to move faster. They each told the small robot to be patient and had him wait alongside his mother until they are ready. Everyone was at their own pace this morning, punching their card into the system before going to their regular place. It looked to be like a regular day in the factory.

Though, Mr Willmake had ideas that weren't work related. He stood by his office window and looked down onto Bertha who greeted the other workers with her smile. One worker in particular stood out to the manager. He has no problem with him, oh no, it's just something is blocking them from telling (or seeing) the truth. Even before the morning shift began, Mr Willmake's thoughts were starting to get plagued with greens and greys the more he keeps being silent. He promised he wouldn't tell him, but at the same time he's worried about the family legacy being tarnished by secrecy. It has to come to light some day, but how long can they keep it hidden from him until he finds out himself?

He has to know; he's old enough to know the truth. But what will his family think? Will they respect the decision afterwards? The manager knew the others won't like that he is going against his promise, but he knew it's for the best. For him, lying to him everyday only makes it worse and worse, breaking tiny pieces of his heart one at a time. It's simple to put it back together, but the only way to do it properly is to come clean.

Very well, I'll do it, Mr Willmake thought to himself, taking the risk. He asked his secretary to telephone the worker to see him as he got back to his chair. He looked down upon a few papers on his desk, not paying attention to the words written on them. Bracing himself for the worse, he sighed at the conversation that is likely going to commence.

His door opened slightly and someone walked in sheepishly. "...You wanted to see me, sir?" he called out to to manager whilst closing the door behind him. "Have a seat Roy." Mr Willmake ordered the young lad. "I need to have a word with you about something." Roy did as he was told, gulping his jitters down his throat. Almost as if he knows what the entire meeting is about, he tried to professionally make himself comfortable on the small chair. "..A-Am I in trouble, sir?" he asked. "I tried not to sleep on the job like Mr Duncan told me."

Mr Willmake shook his head, "'s not about that. It is, however, something unrelated to work." he explained, getting out of his seat. "...I was going to mention this to you when you started working here as an apprentice but...your father... wouldn't allow me." Roy rubbed his neck, "W-why wouldn't he allow you to say it to me? Has something happened to him? What's going on?" he implored. Mr Willmake prepared for the question, taking time to try and guess correctly as he faced the apprentice; though his tongue tied quicker than he anticipated. A long silence broke between the two, both almost making eye contact. A long story is much easier to explain then an even longer story. Especially this one, which was too complicated to start.

The manager could sense a mixture of concern and panic from the young lad from the way he is now sitting. Perhaps he should've worded it a bit differently to make him more at ease. Bother, they all should've made up and explained it together with the young lad. But no, they decided to keep it all hidden for so long and he just can't take it any more. Well, he can't just go back in time and pick the other option; all he could do was continue with his original plan. Sort this secret out once and for all. He turned and began to speak again, "..This might sound hard to believe Roy, but..."

A small pause followed but an awkward yet slightly courageous sentence followed behind it.

"..I... am related to you."

--Bertha Oneshots--Where stories live. Discover now