Clash! Bang! Crash!

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Thanks to CuteCartoonLover06 for the idea!

This week at Spottiswood and Co, Bertha is making fireworks for a very special night. Guy Fawkes night to be exact. It's that time of year where everyone goes out onto fields or their gardens and burn bonfires and light fireworks. The dark sky would surround the sky in its shade before the flamboyant flames hit above, exploding in rather unique and loud patterns. People would be admiring these lights from the earth, liking how the stars connected well with the bright lights. The factory has about 2 months to make the order in time for the big night- so there was absolutely no need for delays!

However, even though the staff and Bertha are looking forward to creating these little rockets, they are given safety precautions about handling these small explosives properly. Bertha is used to making toys, but fireworks are never in the toy category. And they never will be. One fatal mistake and a big disaster could occur, which is why safety tests are a must to keep the factory's customers unharmed. Temporary rules have to be in place to fit the high standard, whether it be the strict measurement of chemicals and powders or the careful storing of them, Bertha knows how dangerous fireworks can be, and double checks everything to make sure these expectations are met.

These rules, of course, mean that TOM would not be allowed to be anywhere near these new rockets. The workers decided it would be best if TOM doesn't contribute to the fireworks project due to his childlike curiosity (and age, if robots can age). The small robot thought it wasn't fair, since he would have nothing to do and he would feel left out. His mother assured him that he won't be, as he would be working alongside his factory friend Roy, sorting out the empty boxes in a far corner of the dispatch department. It will be temporary, but TOM still rolled his eyes at the new job.

TOM was soon at work, moving the boxes to one side as Roy checks over them for sharp ends. "This box seems okay," Roy called out to the small robot, "Pass that box along TOM." The robot yawned at the repeated process, becoming more and more annoyed when he realised that there were still more boxes to check over. He just wanted it to be done with so he can do something exciting.

But he can't.

He's 'little'.

The grown up workers get to do all the fun stuff, he thought, wondering why he can't do certain things. He can't drive a forklift or dumper truck because
according to Panjit, he needs a 'driving license' to do so; but where can he buy one? Who sells one? He can't use Bertha's computer to put in random words like Ted usually does. Why wouldn't they let him? It looks fun! He can't use any tools and equipment as toys as he once broke a power drill thinking it was a plane. Not to mention he got in trouble for it and had to help pay for a replacement. How is he supposed to know it's purpose? It's just not fair!

TOM listened to the voices coming from the factory floor. A lot of busy words echoed back, which only made TOM more agitated with his own task. They sound like they're having fun, he scoffed to himself. When will TOM get to join in? Just then, Panjit drove by the pair on his forklift. He seems to be taking several strange tubes from Bertha into the dispatch department, and they will be put high up so TOM can't reach them. The robot chased after him, beeping his sounds loudly to get him to stop. Panjit didn't take long to notice him and as expected, he put the forklift to a halt.

"Alright, alright TOM."  Panjit stressed, climbing out of the seat. "Do you have a note for me?" TOM overlooked the driver as he only paid attention to the boxes on the forklift's carriage. What strange looking toilet rolls! The robot held his eyes on these peculiar rockets and tried to pick one of them up before Panjit stopped him. "I'm sorry TOM, but these are very dangerous and can make big explosions." he explained, "They needed to be tested to make sure that they're safe, so you can't play with them." Oh please, how big of an explosion can these puny rockets make? Probably not as big as he thinks they'll be. Hmph.

--Bertha Oneshots--Where stories live. Discover now