Bertha's Big Dance Party (APRIL FOOLS!)

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Art by me
Happy anniversary to Bertha, who first appeared on Children's BBC on the 1st of April 1985! 🎉

It was the day of Bertha's dance party at Spottiswood and Company, and Bertha and her factory friends are going to be singing and dancing to rather unusual songs the big machine made on her computer. They are rather silly songs, but at the same time, they are rather fun songs as well. It's not like they've not done before either - seriously, take a sip of your cup of tea every time a member of staff starts singing and breaking the fourth wall. By the time you've watched all 13 episodes, your cup of tea would be empty or nearly empty. That really depends on how big your sips are.

Oh, why are we fussing about the ol' drinking game trope? You're probably feeling sad that you didn't get an invite to this party, right? Well..lucky for you, I have a very special surprise for you! Bertha? Would you kindly do the honours?

Bertha chimed and smiled, her pistons puffing and chuffing, gears spinning and turning. It harmonised the air and it echoed throughout the factory. Whizz, whirr. Whizz, whirr. Beep, beep, beep. Whizz, whirr. Whizz, whirr. Beep, beep, beep!

Something rattled and something glided. Something rolled out onto her conveyer belt, and it's just for you!

'You are cordially invited to Bertha's Big Dance Party, hosted by the big machine herself!
Place: Spottiswood and Co Factory
Date: 1st April
Time: 9:00am - Don't be late!
We'll see you there, and make sure to warm up your singing voice and dancing skills!'

Hooray! You've got an invitation! Now you can join the Spottiswood crew and come to Bertha's dance party! Bertha beeped out a sentence, happily. She hopes you'll come!

You will come...right? You will?! Wonderful!

Almost all of the male workers of Spottiswood walked into the factory baring shades and sequinned suits, and TOM peeped round wearing the same drip too, though more childlike. The robot spun and spun with excitement. He couldn't wait for the party to start (be fair, neither could we). Beep, beep! Beep, beep!With hands in the air, he circled around Ted and Roy, flashing a torch around to mimic disco lights. The ladies of Spottiswood came in with sparkly dresses and hair, and even took time to dress Bertha up with an extra large feather boa and shades. Bertha laughed even more than ever. She and her friends looked very smart - and she thinks that you look smart too in your glittery getup!

The factory became decorated in thick streamers and banners of a variety of colours. They were mostly shades of light and dark green, though reds and purples pinpointed all corners of the factory floor with holographic streams at the ends. To the side of Bertha, a table laid out with drinks and food provided by Mrs Tupp. "I have tea or coffee here; or if you prefer something cold, I have fizzy pop or squash!" the tea lady presented to the staff. Sausage rolls, sandwiches and mini pies covered the other half of the table, but it is saran wrapped as it's not lunch time yet. Cakes and trifles are also piled up at the end, and Roy, Panjit and TOM tried to sneakily pinch a slice of cake. "Ah, ah, ah! I'm afraid you three will have to wait before you can eat one of my cakes! It's not time to eat yet!" Mrs Tupp noted to the three, grinning. "How about you go sing and dance first? I think Bertha's going to turn on the music very soon!"

Meanwhile, Mr Duncan is driving very speedily to the factory in his car, honking his horn angrily at the learner drivers in front when he reached a traffic stop. "OI!! You learners should know that green means go! Get moving! I have important matters at work to take care of!" he mumbled, angrily. The cars in front started up again, though it was more of a slow pace which frustrated the foreman more. "Ugh, this is a nightmare-!" groaned Mr Duncan and he slammed his head onto the horn of the wheel.

--Bertha Oneshots--Where stories live. Discover now