Let's Go Back

494 21 9

Eddie Pov

I stand in front of my friends. I take a deep breath in. 

"I'm gay!" I shout out. They all look and me. My heart starts pounding. But, let's go back. Back to when this all started. 


I sit at the bar, nursing my beer. I've been sitting here depressed because my girlfriend broke up with me. I don't even know why I was with her anyway. She didn't even make me happy. But I needed to get out. So, here I am. Sitting alone at a bar. Then I see this group of friends on the other side of the bar. There's this one who's in the middle of all of them. He has short brown hair and some stubble. I see a few tattoos scattered across his arms as he raises them with his words. Then there's one next to him with blonde hair on the top of his head but fades to brown. He's built bigger than the rest, but is fairly tall. I wouldn't be surprised if he worked out or was in the military at some point. Then there's the 3rd one. He's wearing a beanie and is shorter than the rest. He has stubble going on beard. He has bright blue eyes that would stop anybody's breath. Then the last one has a rectangular head, a bit of a goatee. His hair is sort of plastered to his head. But I'm most curious about the one in the middle. At some point of me watching him, he turns and looks at me. I feel my face bright up a bit and I look down at my drink. I pull my bottom lip underneath my teeth. I hold my head down until I'm sure he's looked away. When I look back up, they're gone. All of them. I let a breath I didn't know I was holding out. 

"Hey." A voice says from next to me and I feel myself jump a little out of my seat.

I don't know where this will go or if you guys will even like this but here it is. Hope you guys liked it! Luv you all! More to come!!!!!!!!!!!

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