Drunk Again

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Gaege Pov

I spend the next day with my friends and none of them ask about Eddie. Partially because I warned Grant to not and Josh and Mully can't even remember him because they were so drunk. I'm glad that we're being safe and just staying at Mul's and drinking there. I know I am a bit drunk though because one minute I'm sitting and talking with everyone and then Josh and Mully are making out in the corner, Grant is no where to be seen, and I have my phone out and my fingers are flying across the screen. 

Gaege : Heyyyyyyyyyy

Eddie : Hello?

Gaege : Heyyyy hot stuff

Eddie : Umm thanks?

Gaege : So f*cking hot

Eddie : Um thanks again? So are you

Gaege : I mean it

Eddie : I think you're drunk

Eddie : Are you drunk Gaege?

Gaege : Maaayybeeee

Eddie : Do you need me to pick you up?

He's so sweet! I've never met a guy this nice. It makes him even more attractive in my eyes.

Gaege : Are you sure you arent gay? Youre too nice for a straight guy

Eddie : Uh IDK. Do you need me to pick you up? Where are you?

Gaege : At Mul's. Im with friends

Eddie : I'll be there in 5. Don't be a dumbass

Gaege : Cant make promises

I lean back and let out a drunk laugh. Josh and Mully have laid off each other and Grant is back. He seemed to have been in the bathroom.

"Imma head out sooon. Eddie's picking me up," I slur slightly.

"OoOoO new boyfriend?" Mully jokes.

"F*ck off Mul. He's just a frrriend," I slur.

"Suuurre," Mully says. 

"Later dick heads," I say and try to get up from my spot. Grant is the most sober out of all of us and helps me outside. Eddie's there and I stumble to his car. "Hello you hooott Uber driver."

"I'm not going to try to correct you. I still never got your address so you're coming back to mine again," Eddie says and I flop over in the backseat. Unlike last time, I don't have people squished next to me to hold me up. I'm passed out by the time I get to Eddie's and don't wake when he tries to awake me.

Hope you guys liked it! Luv you all! More to come!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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