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Gaege Pov

Wow. I can't believe he did it.

Flash Back

When I wake up, I'm scared of my surroundings. I do not recognize where I am at all. I know I'm not drunk anymore because the room isn't spinning, so it's not the alcohol doing it. I do have a pounding headache thanks to it though. 

"Oh, good you're awake," I hear a voice say. I look over a the black hair male I met the night before was sitting over at a table. 

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Eddie. Do you not remember me from last night?" He asks. "That's a silly question, you wouldn't have asked for my name if you already knew it."

"I remember you from last night, I just couldn't remember your name," I say. 

"You said you liked my name. I remember that," he says.

"Oh yeah. I sort of remember that," I say. "Where are my friends?"

"I drove all of you home. I was able to figure out their addresses but I couldn't get yours. I didn't want to send you with one of them because then it'd be 2 people with hangovers yelling at each other in the morning. So I brought you home with me," he says.

"Please tell me you didn't do anything to me," I say.

"What kind of person do you think I am? And no, I'm straight," he says. I kind of doubt that, but I believe him. 

"Just wondering. I'm gay by the way," I say. 

"What about your friends?" He asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Josh and Mully. They seemed pretty friendly with each other," he says.

"Oh, they're not dating, but they act like it," I say. "Just really close."

"You all seemed to be that way," he says.

"Yeah, we've been friends since college. I shared a room with Grant," I say. "The 2 dick heads shared a room as well. I was friends with Josh before college and Grant was friends with Mully before college. We got split up from our friends but made more."

"I have like one other friend that I still talk to," he says. 

"That sucks. I'm sorry."

"People just seem to like to leave me. I'm pretty used to it by now," he says. "Can't keep a girlfriend to save my life."

"Me neither," I say. We both laugh. 

"How are you feeling?" He asks. 

"Like shit," I say.

"Want some Aspirin?" He asks.

"Sure. 2 please," I say. He comes back with a cup of water and the 2 pills. 

"Do you remember where you live now?" He asks.

"Yes," I roll my eyes. "You can drop me off later."

"K," he says. 

"Can I get some food?" I ask.

"Yeah. What do you want?" He asks.

"Whatever you have. I'm not a picky eater," I say. He goes to the kitchen and gets some food for me. He comes back and hands me a few things in packages. There's a granola bar, a package of crackers, and a little bag of fruit snacks. I look up at him and give him a "what the f*ck" look.

"What? I need to go grocery shopping," he says. I look over at him. Last night I remember him having a bandanna on which pushed up his hair. Now it hangs over one of his eyes. They're dark brown. He has bright smile and it makes my heart flutter a little bit. I tell my heart no. He's straight. There's no way I could turn a straight guy gay. Right?

Hope you guys liked it! Luv you all! More to come!!!!!!

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