Bad Boy

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Gaege Pov

Eddie looks up at me. He look so handsome in his clothes. It honestly looks like he's wearing mascara on his lashes. They look so long and beautiful. So much better than mine. Even with mascara on they look shorter than his. I have light eye shadow on and some mascara on, along with some lipstick. A light color that if it rubs off, you won't notice very much. Eddie also seems to be admiring me. His eyes have gleam of when a cat sees cat nip. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that he looks like he wants to eat me.

"Y-yeah. You can't sit down," Eddie stutters. His voice seems to annoy him because he looks like he is internally yelling at himself for letting it stutter.

"Thank you. I'm so glad that you were free tonight so I could repay you for taking me home when you didn't have to," I say.

"If I had left you there, you probably would have passed out in the bathroom in your own vomit. Then you would have been kicked out later when they were cleaning the toilets and now you're standing outside a bar at 3 AM, still drunk, hungover, and stumbling around. Do I look like I wanted you to get raped?" Eddie says.

"I can take care of myself. I have acted like a prostitute before because a guy wouldn't stop hitting on me. And he was hella ugly. So I thought if I was gonna sleep with him, I was gonna get some money for it. But thank you," I say.

"Seriously? You did that?" Eddie asks.

"Got 200 bucks from it so I guess it wasn't that terrible. I used the money for rent for the month," I say.

"Were you not there with anyone to stop them?" Eddie asks.

"Oh. I was there with Mul. But that's when he met Josh. So they were probably f*cking in the bathroom," I say. "He would be too drunk to pretend to be my boyfriend anyway."

"They met at a f*cking bar? Why does that not surprise me," Eddie says.

"I think a f*cking bar is different than what you're talking about," I say.

"They're called BDSM clubs. Dumbass," Eddie says.

"Now I'm just weirded out that you know what they're called" I say.

"Shut it smart ass. I've been 'round the block," Eddie says.

"Is that a Mexican joke?" I ask.

"Knowing what a 'f*cking club' is called and smoking marijuana are very different," Eddie says.

"Why does it not surprise me that you've done that before," I say.

"I never said I did," Eddie says.

"You're a bad boy," I say.

"Care to try on my leather jacket?" Eddie asks, jokingly.

"Only if you let me ride your motorcycle," I say.

"Deal. We'll go after dinner," Eddie says.

"You've got to be kidding me. You seriously have one?" I ask.

"I did when I was younger. You know being a reckless teenager and all," Eddie says.

"You really are a bad boy," I say.

"Says the guy that pretended to be a prostitute so you could get money," Eddie says.

"He wouldn't lay off. What else was I supposed to do?" I ask.

"Get hella drunk and punch his lights out," Eddie says.

"Bad boy," I say and he just laughs.

Hope you guys liked it! Luv you all! More to come!!!!!!!

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