Wine Glass

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Yes, another POV story, I'll probably do something else including this ship so you can wait now, Thank You!

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━Wine Glass━☂✶

Xiao's POV:

I found Venti on the floor again, dozed out on the floor with a wine bottle again, he likes a ton of alcohol huh...

And It was late at night, Ganyu, Keqing, and Ningguang are usually awake most of the time for night time work, but I don't want to disturb them so I picked him up and put him on the clouds, and it was night time so he'd wake up around somewhat early in the sunrise.

I woke up the next day, getting some Almond Tofu at the Wangshu Inn, after I ate his Almond Tofu, I returned back home

Venti was sitting there wating for me when I got back home, he hugged me and said something to me

"Did you go out for Almond Tofu again?"

"Yeah... why?"

"I made a mistake..."

"What is it?..."

At that point, I then saw that Venti had broke 5 glass bottles in a shape of a wine glass, I honestly didn't care about it and instantly cleaned it up. Since he was partying all night at the Tavern and was lacking sleep, I honestly cared about him, so when it became orange, I took him to the city of Liyue for a walk

"So this is what Liyue looks like... pretty nice here"

"I know, it looks like pain too me though"

"You shouldn't think that" *kisses on Xiao's Forehead*

I Blushed and then kissed Venti's Forehead back

Me and Venti were both happy together!
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━Wine Glass━☂✶
Venti's POV:

After a great party, I suddenly blacked out on the floor at Xiao's home, I then woke up on a cloud in the morning and had a massive headache and slept some more, and I still had some side effects so I ended up breaking 5 Wine Glasses and kinda dozed off...

"I... love wInE a WhOlE lOt-" *blackout*

"What is up with him and his habits?" *picks up with hands*

When I woke up, Xiao was back and I saw the glass, and of course I still had side effects so my mind wasn't really great so I talked to him...

He found the shattered glass on the floor, he really didn't mind and started cleaning up, I was kinda surprised that he did my things for me since I am too lazy and always blackout during the night and I always don't know who cleans my mess everytime.

After that, it turned to dawn and Xiao decided to take me to see Liyue Harbor

He then told me that Liyue Harbor reminded him of death, I honestly didn't want to hear that about his dark past, so I kissed him on the forehead

He kissed me back and at the rest of the day, we had lots of fun together!

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━Wine Glass━☂✶
SO, I had no ideas until I had this idea on my mind, I'm actually glad about this one because this one is nice

I, honestly out of all the contents in this book (which is 3 currently on this page) I'd rate this one a 10/10

Ok now bye because I'm extremely tired and next part HERE WE GO!!

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