Fine Tofu

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OK SO UH If you read my last part of the book (I think most of you did), you'll know that I renamed that part to "In the Sky" I also said that the previous name was the title of this, so that was a quick explanation hehe... ANYWAYS, On to the story
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━Fine Tofu━☂✶

Xiao's POV:

I was crying in my room once again, I didn't want to be captured again by them and making me think about that made me cry even more

I then heard a noise from the corner across my room

It was Venti, he was listening to me crying about my bullshit

"you ok?"

"no not really..."

I hugged him softly, he hugged back with a smile and kissed me, he was really cute at that time, he loved me like he loved the people of Mondstadt

So nice I can do this forever...

━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━Fine Tofu━☂✶

Venti's POV:

I was awake at 3 in the morning, I walked to find something but instantly forgot when I heard someone in the corner

I saw Xiao crying in the middle of the night

I snuck quietly so no one near us woke up

"you ok?"

"no not really"

I gave him a little head pat then he hugged me with a smile, I hugged him back softly while he too hugged me back, I wish It could last like this forever...
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━Fine Tofu━☂✶
damn this made me happy af, also new book coming out in a few days!

The Scaramona Oneshots!

I'm now doing Genshin Impact Oneshots because I now find it very interesting to do them so, yeah... also sorry for the very short story here


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