Bloody Sight

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On serious note: I am so sorry (3rd time I said this) for the fact I disappeared for a whole month on this fanfic/oneshot so i'm back!! Yay and here we go onto the book, also this is probably gonna make no sense at all

TW: Blood, Self Harm, Knife, Cuts
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━Xiaoven Oneshots━☂✶

Xiao's POV:

The guilt grew inside me and I never really wanted it to be in there again, the screams and pain I and the people felt were corrupting me inside strongly into pools of blood and suffering, I didn't want it anymore

I grabbed a knife and slashed myself everywhere where I can see, bruises were everywhere, my mouth with blood, and a pool of shame and guilt will be no more, I couldn't walk and everywhere hurt if I even moved a muscle

"I... am not going to suffer anymore..."

Closing my eyes to end the eternal pain with a painful smile which was barely showing, tears fell down as I blacked out on the floor

I then woke up to see Venti crying beside me as I was still in pain from all the cuts


"H-huh, where am I?"

I was hugged and I felt some relieve in that hug and some of the numb parts disappeared in my body by the warm hugs I received

"You're on your bed after lots of bandages... don't do that again please"

"I have many questions about everything I remember but I promise to not do it again"

I didn't want anything to do right now so I returned to heal until a few days later where I was finally able to walk again, It was kind of a relief...
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Venti's POV:

I walked back to home after drinking with some friends with no worries about anything until I opened the door and saw Xiao's unconscious body with blood spilling out from him and sinking to the floors

"No... NO NO NO WHY?!"


"I can't loose you so please come back..."

I didn't stand there for long until I grabbed a med-kit cleaned the blood from the floors and from him

Bandages took hours and hours to put on everywhere, tears were on my face and broke down leaving a trail of tears on the way

I came back to find him awake and ok, I hugged him softly with a smile as tears fell down again

"H-huh, where am I?"

I came back to find him awake and ok, I hugged him softly with a smile as tears fell down again

"You're on your bed after lots of bandages... don't do that again please"

"I have many questions about everything I remember but I promise to not do it again"

After a few days, he recovered and is ok, probably for now...
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━Xiaoven Oneshots━☂✶

This was originally supposed to be released on July 4th 2021 but I took very long as I didn't know what to put as the dialouge for "Venti's POV" and It leaded to here so uh, yeah

And this part of the fanfic has no logical sense to it and see you in the next part!

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