At the Night

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I just thought of the title of this part of the oneshots randomly so I just did that, Ok now that we have the short message, let's get to the book


TW: Sickness, Puke
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━Xiaoven Oneshots━☂✶

Venti's POV:

A strong gust of wind hit me as I shivered as the air turned to a cold breeze within the air

I spotted him fighting someone and he fell hard to the ground with many bruises already so I came to save him and

He blushed as I came to save him from that idiot, I fell from the sky and caught him into my arms, Xiao started to turn red from me holding him

"Are you ok? You're turning red"

"Yeah i'm ok"

We kissed in the shining moonlight as we both went home together

"I feel a bit odd right now"

When we got back, the dizziness hit me hard and I blacked out on the floor when I don't really know how to feel

I woke up in my bed feeling the need to throw up, so I went to the toilet as fast as I can and threw up at the middle of the night

I wiped off the puke as I went to bed, but felt the need to do it again and quickly went back to throw up some more and couldn't stop

It finally stopped and I couldn't breathe a second and felt hot, I went to my room and gone back to sleep where I can rest with my dreams

Waking up to Xiao next to me trying to get up and drink some water, but he got it for me...

"Please Xiao, just let me get out of be-"

"You're sick, stay in bed and i'll take care of you, now here's your medicine"


My voiced sounded sickening so I decided to not talk for the rest of the day, it was quite hot in here so I went to sleep uncomfortable

The pain I felt was killing me inside if I moved a single time, but slowly recovered in 2 days due to his help

He really is cute and kind after all, but he was hiding it all along in his heart...
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Xiao's POV:

"A tough enemy approached me! not surprising..."

I killed them but more kept spawning every second once defeated, it was getting extremely crowded that I didn't know what to do...

Suddenly launched into the air and landed into Venti's arms... soft and comfortable...

I felt my face burn up with the softness of his arms, it's what I would fall asleep to if he caressed me with his hands...

"I feel a bit odd right now"

Really thought nothing of it...

We both landed home, I saw Venti fall to the floor looking like he fainted badly, I put my hand on his forehead and it was burning hot

"He has a fever doesn't he..."

I put him up to his bed where I then ate my Almond Tofu as the long hours gone by

I suddenly heard a weird noise from upstairs, it was the sound I hated the most when I discovered where it was from

"Yep, just what I expected... he's sick."

I snuck out quickly to think of what he'll do and get up, I didn't exactly sneak up that time and checked if he was still ok, he wasn't has he got very hot

I went to get medicine for when he woke up, as soon as I knew that it was daytime for another day...

He woke up to me standing on the side of the bed trying to get out

"Please Xiao, just let me get out of be-"

"You're sick, stay in bed and i'll take care of you, now here's your medicine"


I hugged him tightly to know I was here and for a hug, a smooth treating... It was a nice morning for a few days and he got better somehow

He then got better in 2 days, it was like time was never there, a cute alcoholic...
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Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this oneshot book part again, and Thank you so much for 800+ seen!! This is a great day for me, even if it is small, I love the progress in this book!! This is giving me motivation to continue, and because my birthday is coming up within August so I will accept birthday wishes

So, I'll see you in the next part!

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