In the Sky

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This is another POV story, but this is gonna be by Ganyu first in the POV, Hope you enjoy... again

Date it was published: May 20 2021
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Ganyu's POV:

I noticed Xiao walking by with a person named Venti I've heard about, I honestly never heard his name before...

A Nation called Mondstadt he is from, I wonder why Xiao has been going there with Venti all the time these days ever since he went to Mondstat for a whole day, well I saw them together again, I guess they didn't see me when they were flying on the night. I saw what they were doing with Keqing once I got a closer look.

"What is that glistening light from?"

"It seems to be coming from Mondstat to down here... suspicious"

"Give me those binoculars"

At that moment in the sky, I saw them together again, it looked like they were gliding together and I saw them hugging, I couldn't believe it


Keqing looked at me with a confused but then shocked, she then looked at the stars and they were moving very fast to the location, me and her ran to it and then we found them sleeping together

Ningguang saw us and we all ran to them, Xiao never been so happy in his life with him, how sweet of Venti to save him...

We then carried them back to Liyue Harbor and let them rest on a bench alone but later then put them in a flower bed with Glaze Lillies
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Keqing's POV:

Ganyu recently told me that Xiao was dating someone from Mondstadt, a Nation that is from the Anemo God Barbatos...

The nation

Ganyu told me about 2 people falling from Mondstat to here, I had a pair of binoculars near me and Ganyu asked me to hand it to her, then she saw them close up


At that moment I then took them and saw them kissing but they were moving so fast, due to stamina depletion, they then went to sleep peacefully while falling to here

Ningguang, Ganyu and Me ran to them to see if they're ok and it was the cutest moment we all saw

Xiao was smiling for the first time in years at that moment, he was sleeping happy with Venti by his side knowing he was also there

We then took them back for a nice sleeping place on a bench, but later changed places put them in a flower bed full of Glaze Lillies
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Ningguang's POV:

Xiao hasn't been to Liyue without a person from Mondstat that he befriended a while back, the same nation Jean is from, I should explore it someday but I then found something in the sky.

I was somewhere doing work in the distance when I saw something from the sky, I saw Xiao and some person from Mondstadt flying together but I didn't know that It'll come for Liyue

So I stood up waiting for it to fall here and then It landed on Liyue's hard floors

I then saw what happened, Ganyu and Keqing to there too and then I saw the hard wood floor but then I saw the sweetest thing ever

Xiao never been so happy with this weird looking-bard, I didn't mind though

Ganyu said his name was Venti, I'll remember that name as long as I was alive...

We then took both of them and placed them on a bench, then Keqing decided to switch the place to a Glaze Lilly flower bed

When I was walking away from them, I thought of how Xiao was so happy with him, he just ever wanted love huh...
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Xiao's POV:

I was talking to Venti when he had the Idea to fly, I didn't really mind what he was deciding to so I agreed

I was in the sky with Venti and we were having an extremely fun, never had fun like this in forever I guess...

But then we then fell right into Liyue Harbor and almost died, but then I actually smiled for the first time before blacking out in the unknown

I then woke up with a confused look, with Venti also awake

"Where are we on?" (Xiao)

"We must be on a grass with flowers" (Venti)

"Ah, Glaze Lillies... the "Special Flower" favorite flower by Rex Lapis" (Xiao)

We hugged eachother then and there, It was more special then ever and told him to never leave
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Venti's POV:

I had the idea to fly with Xiao, to get me off my drinking habits, he actually agreed for some unknown reason

I had flew very high with him, until I was very tired...

We both fell down right into Liyue's hard floors, I closed my eyes to not feel any pain, althought I thought I was dying...

We woke up in a place, the place we woke up in was a pile of flowers that I was later then told was Glaze Lillies

"I love you..." (Xiao)

"I love you to!" (Venti)

Then we had hugged, this made me extremely happy, I wish I had did this longer to be honest...
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So my original idea for this part was originally "Fine Tofu" I got bored and didn't like that idea so I renamed it to "In the Sky" because they were in the sky

But I'll make another part by that name, See you in the next part again!

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