Creeping Flowers of Fate

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This is the part 2 of Soft Hands, Venti and Ganyu's POV will only be featured, the POV's will switched because this is a explanation on Venti's Suicide in the School AU

This will probably not make sense as in the fact this is a gHoSt VeNtI talking
TW: Death, Suicide, Angst Mostly
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━Xiaoven Oneshots━☂✶

Venti POV:

"I... killed him..."

"It was my fault..."

"I'm the murderer..."

The guilt I can't redeem, it is painful and kills me inside of it that he was my crush and was suffering because... of me...

I never wanted anyone to love me ever again for the suffering of his death and to never talk again

Papers were written, grabbed and stapled if anyone came into the Unknown Rooms of the school uneasy and scared of the blood and knife

The final task was ready and done for and ready when I did it all in my hands, I grabbed a knife and stabbed myself in my chest for the final task

"I want nothing to do anymore, just understand it and i'll appreciate it"

I closed my eyes as blood dripped out my mouth, I was dead and I no longer felt the guilt of it ever again...
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Ganyu's POV:

"Venti hasn't been to school for one week..."

I decided to check up on him in the unknown rooms to search for him around the schools at night for a better time but just in case I did

"Yanfei... can you help me find Venti?"

"Sure, I don't have anything to do"

"It's gonna be at night time so let's get to it at there"


We both went to her house and planned for the search for Venti at the school, it was around a haunting place to visit at night but if it was to find him, I would do it just for this one time

As it reached night time, it was our time to search for him at the school since we wanted answers from him

We reached the school and decided to check the Unknown Rooms since no one really checked them, it was an impossible place, only we knew where it was until we found someone accidentally...

(Yanfei) "The flashlight... SHINE IT TO THERE!!"


Before we can talk, we found his body with a knife in his chest, the blood was dried and it was on the ground with a piece of paper on his deceased body

(Yanfei) "W-what the..."

(Ganyu) "Holy shit..."

(Yanfei) "There's a note on the body that covered the page with blood..."

(Ganyu) "Let's read it..."

As we both read it, we found out that Venti committed suicide just because he wanted no guilt to it anymore... we now had to mourn the death of those 2 now...

The darkness became more and more creepy and decided to run back to Yanfei's house, it was at midnight and they both ran for a whole hour and later took a glider all the way back

"That was tiring..."

"Yanfei, lets never speak of this again until they all find out"


The next day, everyone was assigned a group project to look around the school and open many doors just incase

One of the students opened the unknown door and found his body, they screamed and everyone came there to look at the horrifying scene

"We never told anybody until it was spoken... right Ganyu?"


One person heard us and we stood there quiet as paramedics came to the school as everyone stood silent and didn't dare to move their mouths

We handed the police the suicide note as they were in shock of it

Later then we were dismissed early due to the shock of that horrifying discovery of them

Another day passed by and many people were at Yanfei's house

Lots of questions were asked about him and Xiao and we both answered in complete fear

School was then shut down for a month after that...
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This is kinda weird but I hoped you enjoyed this and I seriously want something to do with this, now see you next time!

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