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Hwang hyunjin... he's so beautiful!

Han Jisung sat in his personal office staring at his laptop which showed the most recent photoshoot of top model Hwang Hyunjin. Oh how he wished to see him in person.

But of course a knock Interrupted his not so innocent thoughts about the model.


Chan walked in. "Oh hyung, what's up?" Jisung relaxing seeing it was only his hyung instead of one of the annoying lower ranked people in his gang.

"That model you asked us to keep an eye on, huan hwakin?"

"Hwang hyunjin! I've told you a billion times it's hwang hyunjin!"

Chan chuckled at the youngers small tantrum. "I know it's Hwang Hyunjin, I just like seeing you freak out every time I say it wrong. Anyways." Chan turned serious. "Seungmin said he heard some of EXO's gang talking about kidnapping him so they could sell him off for a lot of cash"

Jisung instantly stood up, hands slammed on the desk. "Theres no way in hell they're doing that!" He was mad. When he was mad like this it even scared Chan inside. The main reason is because even though Jisung was soft and playful with his close members, he had a psychotic side.

"Find Hwang Hyunjin... I'm not letting those fuckers touch what's mine."

Chan instantly ran out to find Seungmin since he was their tech/hacking person. Felix was too, but he was more like Seungmins apprentice.

Jisung let out a dark chuckle after Chan left. "Looks like someone has a death wish" he wasn't going to let EXO touch his baby.  Time to plan. He walked to find his favorite hyung, Minho.

"Hyunggggggg I need your help"

"With what Sungie?" Minho asked while ruffling the others hair.

"Hyunjin, someone wants to sell him. I wanna bring him here and keep him safe but I don't wanna kidnap him because then he'll be scared of me!" Jisung was pouting as he talked.

"Then seduce him"

"Seduce him? How?"

"Cmon Sungie, you know exactly how to seduce someone. I taught you when you were first starting out in the Mafia."

"Ahhh rightttt. Thanks hyung!"

"No problem sung. Just don't get yourself thrown in jail."

"Of course not hyung, besides they could never hold me for long." It was true, Jisung escaped from the cops hold numerous amount of times. That wasn't about to change. Jisung walked back to his room. "Noonaaaaa~" he called out for his maid.

"Yes Sungie?"

"I need an outfit for tonight, something sexy and tempting"

"Out seducing another person to get information?" She asked while looking throughout Jisung's walk in closet.

"Not today Yoojin-ssi"

(Yoojin is a made up character so if the name is the same as another idol it wasn't intended)

"Oh? So then what's the outfit for?"

"This outfit is to seduce Hwang Hyunjin"

"Ah finally decided to make a move on him hm?" Yoojin knew about Jisungs obsession. He's been crushing on hyunjin for almost 3 years. At least that's how long she knew about his crush on the model.

"Yeah. But it's partly for his safety. Some group wants to sell him. I'm not gonna let that happen."

"Of course not Sungie. You gotta protect the ones you care about. Hyunjin would be miserable if that happened"

Jisung instantly got a mixture of sadness and anger when he thought of the horrible things that could possibly happen to hyunjin if he didn't get to him in time.

"I'll protect him noona"

"Good, now here's your outfit" (picture at the top)

"Thank you noona!" Jisung went to change. When he came out yoojin gave him some accessories. Chan came in a second later.

"Ji he's on his way to a convenience store, there's an alleyway next to it you can wait in."

"Alright, thanks hyung. Get Changbin to be our driver any you guys make sure the way is clear from the front door to my room."

"Got it" he said and walked off to complete the tasks Jisung gave him.

"Ok, thanks for your help noona!"

"No problem Sungie" yoojin went off to do other duties while Jisung went out to the car.

"Bin, park on the opposite side of the alley"

"Alright" Changbin drove off. Jisung in the back was tingling with excitement. Finally being able to see hyunjin in person.

It only took a few minutes to get there. Jisung instantly got out quickly going to where he'd wait. Luckily there were no creeps in the alley, not that he'd be in any danger anyway, he had a dagger strapped to the side of his thigh under the skirt.

"And now I wait"

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