My mistake

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"Ben, one way or another I will be leaving this place today." I state with a sly smile making the boys flinch. "Really, then what will you do?" Ben asked, his facial and posture stated confidence but his eyes flashed with fear. "Ben, I am a very mischievous person. And I can get out of situations really easily." I say irritation lacing my voice. "Raven, you will not be leaving this room and that is an Alpha's order." I gape at my mate and see he is determined to keep me in this room.

Nat, I want to go for a run and in our wolf form we will heal faster no doubt. So what should we do? I ask my wolf grinning evilly. Jake seems to notice my look and states. "I know that look. That's the look that state's you're up to something." I smile at his shock. Easy there's a door to our right so we can run. This is exciting!! Nat grins. "Well Jake did you really think I would follow an Alpha's order?" I ask directing the question at Jake while inching towards the door. Marcus, Vincent, James and Ethan turn their head towards Jake to get an answer. Big mistake on their part. Nat states. I slowly open the door without making and sound and sprint outside phasing mid-stride.

We're in soo much trouble. I grin inwardly at my wolf allowing her to take over.

James's POV

We turn our heads towards Jake wondering what she means. "What does she mean by that Jake?" Marcus asks sounding calm and collected. "Why'd she say that Jake?" Vincent asks, something's out of place but what? "Uhh, Guys..." Their heads snap to me "What?!?!" They ask.

"Something feels out of place, like somethings missing." We crane our necks towards the place where my sister was standing then towards an open door. "Seriously?!?!" We all yell to no one in particular. "Umm, Alpha. If she phases then her wound will open up meaning she will start to bleed and if we don't stop the bleeding she can bleed t-to d-death." Ben, the pack doctor stammers. A growl ripples through Marcus's chest in fear of losing his mate.

"Let's go" Vincent says running out the door. We leave the doctor to prepare for when we bring Raven back, she's got herself in deep shit this time. The boys and I shift into our wolves ignoring our shredded clothes. Ranger, what will we do? Marcus is pissed majorly. I ask my wolf for advice. Just get Raven to calm him, let's just hope she's not bleeding to death. He states. 

Marcus, please do remember that Raven is hurt so don't yell at her it reminds her too much of her past. I mind-link Marcus. Why the hell won't anyone tell me about her past, what is she so scared of? God I just want to know who hurt my angel. Marcus said trying to mask his whimper, but we know him better than that. She will tell you, when she's ready. She's scared of something and we don't want to pressure her. I reply and feel Marcus block us out. I skid to a halt at the sight in front of me.

I see the others do the same. We watch Raven silently. I watch her run around casually and look at her reflection in the lake, she sits her back facing the lake then she cranes her neck to look at her wound to see it nearly completely healed. She jumps up excited to be able to be carefree again. A loud growl emits from behind her making her jump into a defensive stance, ready to fight off whoever that has threatened her. I try to move but my wolf won't allow me to, my wolf keeps telling me to wait and watch and I know better than to go against my instinct. I look over at Marcus and Vincent to see they are in the same situation.

Raven's POV

I hear a growl from behind me making me jump into a defensive stance. I watch and wait not letting my guard down not even once. I watch as a figure emerges from the shadows, I growl at the person standing in front of me. I growl threateningly to see if she backs down only to see her laugh like I am some type of joke. "What makes you think, that you can defeat me?"She taunts, her voice dripping with venom. I growl again, this time more louder and powerful like an Alpha does.

"I see you have figured out your blood line. You are some sick joke for a werewolf, you don't deserve to be able to shift. And when you find your mate he won't accept you with all the scars on your body." She says grinning, but I know better than to let her words get to me. I narrow my eyes at her waiting to see what she has to say. "And if your mate does accept you then I will personally finish him like I did to your mother." That was the last straw.

I growl and pounce on her biting her shoulder, I enjoy the sound of flesh and blood being torn. I bite deeper and pull out a big chunk of flesh and blood, she howls in surprise and agony. I step back to get a better look at my masterpiece. She immediately shifts and pounces at me, surprising me. I buck her off with my hind legs. That bitch had the nerve to come here to make our life hell and threaten our mate. I retort to Nat.

Yea, let's kill her. She growls out. I sprint towards her only to be head butted into a tree, I snarl at the intruder and see a large black wolf, I recognize the scent to be my fathers. He shifts back and orders me to do so but I stand my ground with my head held high. "Baby, look what she did to me!! She ripped my shoulder out!! It hurts! It hurts!" My so-called mother whines in pain. 

I give them a wolfy chuckle at her stupid behaviour. "Shift!!' My fathers voice rings throughout the woods. I hear the leaves rustle as three wolves emerge, I trot over to Marcus and rub my muzzle in his neck causing him to purr in delight. "Raven I said shift immediately!!" My father yells one more time. I look him up and down and then at myself, I watch as the boys go and shift one by one into their human forms.

Marcus comes out holding a shirt for me to put on and I grin at him making him chuckle. I sprint behind the trees and shift into my human form. The shirt reaching down to me knees, I walk out only to be pulled into a warm bare chest. I smile and untangle myself from him. "Raven, how could you?" My father asks.

James steps up to defend me but I stop him shaking my head. "I don't know what your talking about, daddy." I say innocently. "Raven I saw you attack your mother." He says. "She is not my mother!! My mother is dead thanks to that bitch that you call Luna." I snap at him causing him to flinch as I raise my voice. Everyone  knows that I hardly raise my voice.

"She is your mother!!" He said once regaining his composure. "And I want you to apologize!!" He says in his Alpha tone. I walk over to the now smirking Mary, I bring out my claws in front of me and before she can protest I scratch her across the face. She yells in pain and makes a move to pounce on Marcus, but I grab her and slam her into a tree. "Never threaten my mate in my presence, got it?" I ask and see her nod before fading into darkness.

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