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Marcus's POV

Ever since Raven has found out that she's pregnant, she's been a bit distracted often zoning out. And that was 2 months ago. Why don't we ask her? Levi asks. I mentally shake my head, I've asked her a billion times and she won't tell me. Ethan, come to my office now! I order him, a minute later he appears in my office. "Yes Alpha." He says bowing and shutting the door, I wave signalling him to sit down. "OK, It has been 2 months since we last heard from Bain. And I am not taking any risks, so whenever Raven leaves the house a guard must be with her. Since her due date is close by I want you to double the patrols and no one is to step on my territory without permission." I order. "Yes Alpha. Anything else?" He asks looking all formal, I nod at him to leave. He opens the door and Raven steps in looking as beautiful as ever. "Hey, are you busy?" I shake my head and she walks over and sits on my lap, resting her head on my shoulder.

I stroke her hair, she purrs in delight. I smile and turn around, she sits silently while I sign some papers, her eyes look faraway like they usually do when she's thinking really hard. "Baby, are you okay?" I sigh and she looks up at me through her eyelashes. She nods and continues staring out into space, I sigh frustrated and shift her in my lap til she's facing me. "Baby, I know something's bothering you. Please tell me." I beg, knowing well enough that, that works on her. "It's nothing, really just thinking." She whispers looking between my eyes and lips. I slowly lean down and give her a brief kiss, I pull away and she pouts making me laugh. "Want to go for a run? I'll race you" I say and she nods eagerly.

We walk downstairs out into the woods and shift, I admire her pure white wolf. Her wolf's colour means purity or pure soul. Levi whispers, I run behind her keeping my pace slow so she can win. 

Raven's POV

Marcus strokes my hair and I purr in delight. He turns around in his chair, I sit silently while he signs some papers, I start thinking about the warning Artemis gave me. "Baby, are you okay?" he sighs and I look up at him through my eyelashes. I nod and continue staring out into space, He sighs frustrated and shifts me in his lap til I'm facing him. "Baby, I know something's bothering you. Please tell me." He begs, knowing well enough that, that look always works on me but not this time. "It's nothing, really just thinking." I whisper looking between his eyes and lips. He slowly leans down and gives me a brief kiss, he pulls away and I pout making him laugh. "Want to go for a run? I'll race you" He says and I nod eagerly.

We walk downstairs out into the woods and shift, I run ahead of him knowing well enough that he's going to let me win

I laugh and run towards my favourite clearing with Marcus chasing me, the clearing comes into sight and I run to the middle and shift back throwing on some clothes. "I win!!!" I yell at the top of my lungs. "That's cause I let you" Marcus says walking up towards me, I open my mouth to reply but Marcus gets tackled to the ground. "Marcus!!" I scream trying to run towards him but a pair of hands stop me, I turn around to come face to face with Mary. I freeze and it's just Mary and me. "How- but you were dead!!!" I say trying to get her to release me so I can help my mate. She laughs and shakes her head , she bends down to my height and reaches for my locket. She yanks on it but burns herself, I laugh and spit on her face. "Kill him!!" She yells, I whip around to see a gun pointed towards Marcus. "No, don't please don't" I yell towards Bain, he grins evilly. "Then little girl remove that locket of yours and give it to me." She spits out at me. "I-I can't. It doesn't come off." I stammer, scared for Marcus's life. "Lies!!!!!" She yells and smacks me across the face.

I hear a growl which came from Marcus, I hear the click of a revolver. "NO!! I'll take it off." I say sobbing uncontrollably. "But only Marcus can remove it." I say taking deep breaths. "Fine, bring him here." She yells, instantly Marcus is in front of me with two guns pointed at his head. "I'm sorry." I whisper for only him to hear, he shakes his head and I grab the nearest revolver but Mary grabs my hand and stops me from shooting myself. "Tsk tsk, you aren't going to die till I get that fucking locket." Mary says loosing her patience with me. I try to remove the locket with shaky hands, but my hands kept slipping. Mary yells frustrated and signals something to Bain and I hear a gunshot, I look at Marcus's lifeless eyes as he falls onto his side dead. No the dream can't be true. NO!!! Nat screams in my head. I scream at the lose of my mate, I scream till my throat is sore and parched. I start crying and check for Marcus's pulse but hear nothing, I try grabbing the revolver that Mary was holding but she pulls it away from me. All I can see is red and I let my bloodlust through, I howl a heartbroken and lifeless howl into the sky and I kill Mary and everyone else in my sight. I kill Mary slowly till she's begging me to kill her.

I run back to where Marcus's body should be but find nothing. I scream at the moon goddess for help, for her to bring me my mate back, the only happiness in my life. I scream at everyone for not protecting my mate, I want to kill myself but my body won't comply to my command. I scream for everyone that I've lost over the years, the only thing keeping me alive is the unborn child of our love, the only thing keeping me sane, I know that I will never be able to love another man in my life. In the dream his body was here, why's it not here? WHY?!?!?! Nat screams taking over and crying for Levi and Marcus.

Marcus's POV

I hear the click of a revolver. "NO!! I'll take it off." She says sobbing uncontrollably, I just want to run and comfort our mate but am being held down by 4 men. "But only Marcus can remove it." She says taking deep breaths. "Fine, bring him here." She yells, instantly I'm in front of her with two guns pointed at my head. "I'm sorry." She whisper for only me to hear, I shake my head, knowing what  she was going to do, Ethan bring the warriors, Raven's in danger. I scream through the link, I already know that I'm going to die. But I don't want anything to happen to Raven and my pup. We're on our way. Hang in there. He says. She grabs the nearest revolver but Mary grabs her hand and stops her from shooting herself. The only good thing that Mary's done. Levi says, I reply Yeah, I guess this is the end. It was good to know you Levi.  "Tsk tsk, you aren't going to die till I get that fucking locket." Mary says loosing her patience with Raven. She tries to remove the locket with shaky hands, but they kept slipping. Mary yells frustrated and signals something to Bain and I hear a gunshot.


This is not the end :)

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